早前,我們為大家介紹了即將登陸Netflix的新劇I Am Not Okay with This,不少讀者也如筆者一樣覺得備受期待。雖然還未開播,但筆者已覺得該劇的名字十分吸引人,因為它展示出了一種態度──每一個人都有著對自己不願意的事說「不」的權利。最近便有數千名女性以 #ITSNOTOK 為主題,在社交媒體上勇敢地說出了自己曾遭受性虐待和性暴力的經歷。
這是從本週一開始的「性虐待和性暴力意識週」(Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week)活動的一部分。性暴力不僅對受害者造成了身體的傷害,心靈的創傷更是難以彌補,許多人甚至會對自己產生恥辱感,因此不願意公開討論性侵犯和性虐待。活動便希望能夠藉此為這些受傷的人提供一個出口,並以此提高人們對於防範和消滅性暴力的認識。
Today is the start of sexual abuse and sexual violence awareness week. This is my 4th Year of supporting this week. I am a survivor, I was 16 and now at 20, I’m so angry, my body was not put here to be hurt the way it was. #ItsNotOK #sexualabuse
— Emily Walker (@ananxiousblonde) February 3, 2020
“It’s her fault.”
“She deserves it.”
“She was asking for it.”
“Women should avoid
dressing like sluts.”#ItsNotOK pic.twitter.com/hknC6P8ilQ— Hayley McGregor (@HayleyMcGregor1) February 3, 2020
Just because someone has had a lot to drink and passed out does not mean they consent to sex. Unconscious, unaware and unable to defend is NOT consent! #ItsNotOkay!
— Kate (@CupKate44) February 4, 2020
英國女性和平權辦公室(Government Equalities Office)正在努力地促進著積極的改變發生。機構計劃在英國全國範圍內對各行各業約一萬多名人士在工作場所可能遭遇的性騷擾和性虐待行為進行調查,以尋求問題的根源以及新的解決方法。通過她們展現出的統計數據來看,在英國有40%的女性在工作中會遭受性騷擾;機構在官方推特中寫到:「沒有人應該經歷這種卑鄙的行為。」
Today marks the start of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Awareness Week 2020.
No one should have to experience this vile behaviour. We’re asking over 12,000 people from all walks of life what they might’ve experienced, so we can find the problem source and tackle it#ItsNotOkay pic.twitter.com/qlu3ksaCPP
— Government Equalities Office (@GEOgovuk) February 3, 2020
I shouldn’t have to walk home with my keys in my hands when I’m on my own for some glimpse of protection.
I shouldn’t have to be paranoid I’m being followed wherever I go.
I shouldn’t be scared to go out in case I get spiked again.
— Rhiannon (@rhiannon_c98) February 3, 2020
Cover image by Sydney Sims and Cristian Newman via Unsplash
6 February 2020, 12:00 PM
HOKK fabrica
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