Shops We Love: 彩虹髮色夢工場!一間藏於倫敦紅磚巷裡的美髮小店 Not Another Salon - HOKK fabrica

Shops We Love: 彩虹髮色夢工場!一間藏於倫敦紅磚巷裡的美髮小店 Not Another Salon

HF Crewon August 6, 2016 at 9:19 am

為了保持新鮮感,愛美的你是否經常更換髮型呢?可惜,等待總是令人煎熬的。在漫長的「換髮」過程裡,有時真的是悶得發慌,也許這也是對美髮店的普遍觀感吧。但坐落於倫敦紅磚巷(Brick Lane)的它,卻選擇一反傳統,並為顧客帶來非一般的美髮體驗!
not another salon brick lane london hokk fabrica shops we love

not another salon brick lane london hokk fabrica shops we love not another salon brick lane london hokk fabrica shops we love
not another salon brick lane london hokk fabrica shops we love
Photos via blog.urbanoutfitters, notanothersalon, uk.loff, blogspot

糖果色的外牆設計,色彩繽紛的染髮劑,排列整齊的美髮用品…這所店的每個細節,好像也悉心安排過,更彷如置身於色彩盛宴裡。如此搶眼的「Not Another Salon」,原來是由髮型師Sophia Hilton所策劃的。憶起這段漫長日子,她亦感恩這家美髮店的誕生。

起初,位於小區裡工作的Sophia收入雖然不多,但內心卻有著平凡夢想:「If I had a salon I would do it like this and make it feel so different by doing this.」作為髮型師,立志擁有專屬的理髮室,其實一點也不出奇。但在Sophia的腦海裡,她反而想打破傳統美髮沙龍的形象。不論是店鋪外觀、髮型款式,甚至是店內員工,她都希望充滿著有趣活力感。
not another salon brick lane london hokk fabrica shops we love

not another salon brick lane london hokk fabrica shops we love not another salon brick lane london hokk fabrica shops we love
not another salon brick lane london hokk fabrica shops we love
Photos via notanothersalon, tumblr, roseinthewild


not another salon brick lane london hokk fabrica shops we love

not another salon brick lane london hokk fabrica shops we love
Photos via instagram

「Not Another Salon」,意指顛覆傳統的美髮小店。除了吸睛的外觀,店內所提供的髮色服務更相當獨特原創。只要一覽她們的Instagram,便知效果是多麼的鮮豔。如粉橙挑染、藍綠混染及彩虹髮等,也是「Not Another Salon」的得意之作!

It’s just challenging perceptions. I’m sick of bright colours being seen as a sign of teenage rebellion. It’s an out-dated mindset.

not another salon brick lane london hokk fabrica shops we love

not another salon brick lane london hokk fabrica shops we love not another salon brick lane london hokk fabrica shops we love not another salon brick lane london hokk fabrica shops we love not another salon brick lane london hokk fabrica shops we love
not another salon brick lane london hokk fabrica shops we love
Photos via instagram

此外,「Not Another Salon」的模特兒更選用了變性人,以宣揚美的多元性。看著染上亮黃捲髮的他,自信地擺出不同的姿態。單是這張簡單的廣告照,卻包含著「美」的新定義。

身為老闆的Sophia,除了重視店內的服務外,更十分關心一班員工。因此,「Not Another Salon」開設了一所專屬學院,希望讓理髮師們在工作時進修自己,學習更多技巧。
not another salon brick lane london hokk fabrica shops we love

not another salon brick lane london hokk fabrica shops we love not another salon brick lane london hokk fabrica shops we love
not another salon brick lane london hokk fabrica shops we love
Photos via instagram, wgsn


Not Another Salon

地址:倫敦紅磚巷188號 E1 6SA

Photo courtesy of Not Another Salon


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