每週五「Love Yourself」專欄-趁著週末到來前,從她們身上學習一堂關於人生的課
Andreja Pejic是今天模特界數一數二的跨性別代表人物,她六年前已經登上國際時尚舞台,男裝和女裝時尚秀兩邊走,示範時尚中的性別流動的可能性,在時尚界中將「雌雄同體」這個概念主流化,亦是第一位得到國際美妝品牌接納和採用的跨性別代言人。
其實早在青少年階段,為了當女孩的Andreja Pejic曾偷偷從網上訂購荷爾蒙藥物延遲發育階段,而四年前Andreja Pejic進行性別重置手術後宣告闊別男裝秀,正式確立自己女性的身份。Andreja Pejic的堅定告訴大家,只要確信,終有一天定能找到屬於自己的位置。除了在性/別的事情上敢言,童年從南斯拉夫逃難至澳洲的經歷亦讓她特別關心難民議題,經常在Instagram上為難民議題發聲。讓我們回顧Andreja Pejic的語錄,被她那份對自己所相信的價值的敢言,還有那份行動的決心所啟發吧!

On Self-identity
Now I’ve realised that I don’t have to be ashamed of my past. I can still own my story and it doesn’t make me any less of a woman. I was born a girl, it just took me a little while to become one fully.

Photo via GQ
On Inspiration
I read a lot and follow politics, economics and I admire revolutionary people and events.
2016年,Andreja Pejic在人權戰線基金會Time To Thrive 會議上發言
Video via YouTube/ Human Rights Campaign
On Life Purpose
For me the idea of what a role model has become in pop culture is someone that is expected to be this perfect person, an angelic being… I’m not a perfect person… But I am here and I am telling my story. I’m trying to affect some sort of change. You’re given this platform and this exposure, and you have this influence on people.
Video via YouTube/ FASHION Magazine
On Refugee Issues
As a two-time war refugee I can say being treated as an outsider/less then a person/enemy is no way to grow up.
On Hate Crimes
The answer to this (hate) violance is not more war abroad and more repression at home. Mobilize we must on an international level in a fight for democracy, for equality and against war at home or abroad.
14 April 2017, 12:00 AM
HOKK fabrica
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