
Supersize Bed : 超級大餐床,你值得擁有!

這張名為「超級大餐」( Supersize Bed )的床,有一個薯條一般的床頭。這些薯條並不僅僅只有裝飾作用,他們是可拆洗的靠墊!這個充滿創意的床由Cecilia Carey和Harry Parr合作設計。小編只有一個問題,真的睡得著嗎?

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french fries, bed, french fries bed, supersized bed

Photo via thetimes.com

‘The chip bed is sensual and luxurious. Realise all of your fast food dreams as you curl up beneath the colourful headboard. Carey takes the principles of rock and roll applies them to furniture.’ -Sam Bompas

All photos via CeciliaCarey.com