每週五「Love Yourself」專欄-趁著週末到來前,從她們身上學習一堂關於人生的課
Isabelle Huppert憑著心理驚悚片《烈女本色》( Elle)於剛過去的第74屆金球獎中爆冷勝出成為最佳女演員!你或許對Isabelle Huppert的名字感到陌生,但她可是在法國影壇打滾超過40年的「大家姐」,曾經贏過凱撒、英國電影學院、康城、威尼斯影展等多個獎項,更因為其影藝成就而獲國家頒發勳章。
Video via YouTube / FilmIsNow Movie Trailers International
Isabelle Huppert將大半生奉獻給電影。對於她來說,人生如戲,戲如人生,很多金牌歐洲導演如Michael Haneke、Claude Chabrol、Jean-Luc Godard等之所以喜歡找她合作,是因為她能夠駕馭一些很有挑戰性的角色,她曾演過墮胎女性、娼妓、修女、情人、虐待狂、自虐狂、搞亂倫的母女等等,而今次在《烈女本色》中她是演繹一位面對累次強姦依然表現冷靜的女強人。
On Challenges
The most scary things are, ultimately, the most rewarding.
—Isabelle Huppert, LA Times
On Acting
I like to take these unusual characters and then make them as normal as possible, because we all know that the tragedy and the abnormal always hinds itself behind the normal.
—Isabelle Huppert, Brainy quote
On Vulnerability
We all pretend to be very strong, and then in a fraction, you can just break down.
—Isabelle Huppert, AZ Quotes
On Life
Life is never predictable, and these women react out of curiosity and surprise because that’s what you do.
—Isabelle Huppert, Vulture
獲得金球獎殊榮亦代表著這位法國影后正式打入美國主流市場,荷里活經常被批評出現針對女演員的年齡歧視,金像獎亦經常被指是白人的小圈子,而今次Isabelle Huppert憑著63歲之齡擊敗比她年輕的對手拿下「最佳女主角」,顯示了美國電影頒獎典禮漸趨多元化的第一步,她在得獎感言中不忘提到這點。
On Film Diversity
Thank you for making me win in a French film directed by a Dutch director, here in America… There are people from all over the world here in this room, from China to the Arabic world, from America to Europe. Do not expect cinema to set up walls and borders.
—Isabelle Huppert, LA Times
除了《烈女本色》之外,Isabelle Huppert還演過以下這些電影,如果想了解這位法國影后更多的話記得將它們列入你的電影清單中!
《愛情未來》Things to Come(2016)
《8美千嬌》8 femmes (2002)
《鋼琴老師》The Piano Teacher(2001)
《包法利夫人》Madame Bovary(1991)
《天堂之門》Heaven’s Gate (1980)
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13 January 2017, 3:16 PM
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