她是Sayaka,他是Boaz。二人因為同在荷蘭的安荷芬設計學院(Design Academy Eindhoven)修讀設計而相識。設計工作室和品牌BCXSY取自他們名字縮寫的結合:Boaz Cohen x Sayaka Yamamoto,既是他們一起創辦了超過12年的設計品牌,也是他們送給自己的一份禮物,更是愛的信物。


The belief in timelessness
(We don’t limit ourselves to a specific style/aesthetics, however we often aim to reach a certain essence within our work – both conceptually as well as visually. This often leads to an outcome which is rather minimal, yet (we want to believe-) strong and timeless. )

BCXSY:這聽起來可能有點天真和陳腔濫調,但我們希望我們的作品能為人們的生活帶來正面、積極的影響。我們相信,好的設計可以讓周家與物件之間有更強大的聯繫,同時亦物件更耐用。(It may sound naïve, or a bit of a cliché, but we wish our work to make a positive impact on people’s lives. We believe that good design can lead to a stronger bond between an object and its user, which is also making the item longer lasting. )

(it’s more about creating well made, high quality and long-lasting objects. In this way we think that an object can live very long and even be passed on from one owner to the other. )

+延伸閱讀|藝術家Ada Chen的珠寶設計,幽默地探討亞洲人的刻板形象
an equilibrium between us
如果不是熱愛生活的人,或許很難從細枝末節處發現靈感,再將其轉化成實際運用的創意。從走訪日本古鎮、尋找匠人以重新詮釋日本傳統木匠工藝的Origin Part I:Join木質屏風,到踏尋以色列貝都因地區,將當地婦女編制羊毛毯的技術融入到Balance系列的地毯……兩位設計師讓世界通過他們的設計,認識到背後的文化底蘊中漸漸被忽略的傳統技藝;Boaz和Sayaka用自己的方式回饋孕育自己的文化,並在倆人的不斷觸碰中找尋與維持平衡。
(In many ways we find both countries similar, putting much emphasize on innovation, entrepreneurship and development. Still it often appears to us that the Netherlands is more open and quick when it comes to taking more radical steps, while in Japan the approach might be slower and more traditional.)

(Despite of growing up in very different countries, we have come to realize that we share many preferences when it comes to aesthetics, use and other aspects of design. we try to put ourselves in a position which is as neutral as possible – in order to allow us to look at the subject we work with almost as a tourist who sees it for the first time. In this way we can remain more open and get a sense of surprise.)

HF:以你們的作品《平衡地毯》(Balance rugs)為例,你們認為「平衡」的概念是否很重要?
(We like this term particularly, as it can refer to different layers – both more literally as well as conceptually. We see our work as a balanced outcome of both of us combined – this doesn’t necessarily mean that we both always provide an equal part in each and every project, however in the end, through mutual consideration and approval the outcome forms an equilibrium between us both.)

+延伸閱讀|Dutch Design Week:5位流著荷蘭式反叛血脈的設計師
Love could be like paint
Boaz is talkative, humorous and caring.
– Sayaka ,BCXSY
Sayaka is dedicated, passionate and a dreamer.
– Boaz ,BCXSY

(We both like what we do, as well as the part of doing it together. Nevertheless, we approach our work in a slightly different way – Sayaka often likes spending longer time on research and experimentation, while Boaz would prefer to focus on the conceptual layers of a project.
Besides for work we like traveling, discovering new places, people and cultures. We both love food as well as enjoy cooking – this is also often one of our highlights and greatest passions when visiting different countries.)

Having been working together for about 12 years now, we know each other pretty well. Being a couple and presenting our work under one name makes it easier for us to let go of our personal egos and rather focus on our mutual work as a whole. We actually hardly ever face any internal conflicts within our work – it is certainly not that we always share the same opinion, but we’ve developed a mutual sensitivity which mostly allows us to almost seamlessly reach a common ground.
你是否想過,如果愛是一種材料、一種形狀或是設計的一個圖案,那會是什麼? 這是BCXSY的回答:
Love could be like paint – its appearance is ever changing – depending on the proportions and colours you choose to mix. It may appear similar, but there’s almost always a little difference.

Photos courtesy of BCXSY
3 April 2019, 12:00 AM
HOKK fabrica
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