![my life as ali thomas](http://hokkfabrica.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/hf-interview-my-life-as-ali-thomas-thai-band-feature.jpg)
初次聽到My Life As Ali Thomas的音樂時,便被帶有畫面和情境感的曲風,以及主唱充滿靈魂的唱腔給深深吸引,還以為他們無疑是來自歐美國家,沒想到其實是源於泰國的三人編制樂團。My Life As Ali Thomas由主唱‘Pie’ Kanyapak Wuttara、吉他手‘Rack’ Wipata Lertpanya及鼓手‘Taw’ Wannaphong Jangbumrung組成,於2014正式成立,以富有詩意的民謠搖滾曲風,揉合流行音樂元素與實驗性風格為特色,且歌詞皆以全英文創作,治癒了世界各地無數的樂迷。
而日前推出的新單曲《My Red Golden Sun》,仍舊延續他們最擅長詮釋的民謠曲風,並想回歸到關於「愛」的初衷。My Life As Ali Thomas認為,每個人在面對逝去的愛情時,儘管身心痛苦,還是得繼續向前行。這或許是因為,我們對於愛情大多有一定程度的期待,而追尋愛情就像是人類會自然而然地追尋陽光一般,雖然可能會被炙熱的太陽給灼傷,也抵不過心靈的渴望。
Love, and finding love, is like chasing the sun. We chase it simply because it’s what we do, and though the sun hurts us sometimes, could be disappointing or even bad to us, we must not stop chasing.
– Pie, My Life As Ali Thomas
![my life as ali thomas](http://hokkfabrica.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/hf-interview-my-life-as-ali-thomas-thai-band-C.jpg)
![my life as ali thomas](http://hokkfabrica.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/hf-interview-my-life-as-ali-thomas-thai-band-D.jpg)
《My Red Golden Sun》的歌詞娓娓道出「愛正在等待著我們去找尋、陷入與追隨,愛正在等待著與我契合的你」,透過撼動人心的節奏以及Pie極富情感的聲線,想傳遞給大家,就算愛的傷痕累累,也別輕易放棄對愛情追逐的精神。
LOVE awaits us to find, to fall in to follow, Love awaits your heart for mine.
– My Red Golden Sun by My Life As Ali Thomas
![my life as ali thomas](http://hokkfabrica.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/hf-interview-my-life-as-ali-thomas-thai-band-E.jpg)
這回在13 Things欄目,一起與我們認識來自這隊來自泰國的獨立民謠搖滾樂隊,聆聽關於My Life As Ali Thomas的13件小事。
Music + life – bad traffic = ME
音樂 + 生命 – 塞車 = 我
At some point in my life, I thought I was a Rubik’s Cube.
One of the happiest days in my life was getting the right sound on a musical instrument.
In life, I am most grateful for the people who we love and loved us back.
在生命中,我最感激…我們愛的人,也愛我們 。
One thing I never told people is that we love to eat and rarely exercise.
Love is not always dreamy.
愛並不總是…夢幻的 。
![my life as ali thomas](http://hokkfabrica.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/hf-interview-my-life-as-ali-thomas-thai-band-A.jpg)
Something I wish I said more was I should speak less.
I will never forget first concert experience.
If I could see into the future, I want to know if we’d come back out of the internet.
![my life as ali thomas](http://hokkfabrica.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/hf-interview-my-life-as-ali-thomas-thai-band-B.jpg)
My biggest ‘why’ in life is why don’t we do what we want more.
If I have one day left to live, I would spend it with the people we like, and have a feast.
I want you to know that, you can be happy.
Lastly, I’d like to leave you with one question what is a life worth living?
收聽My Life as Ali Thomas全新單曲《My Red Golden Sun》
9 April 2021, 12:00 AM
HOKK fabrica
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