粉紅色-一種屬於青春、天真爛漫的顏色。對於16歲的韓國時尚博主Jina Han來說,粉紅也可以是一種成熟、時尚的顏色。別看Jina年紀輕輕,比起你我,她對時尚生活可能更有自己的一套呢!在Instagram上擁有超過三萬多粉絲的追隨,兼顧學業之餘也跟粉絲們分享穿搭理念和出席品牌活動。為著今期《The Pink Issue》,我們讓Jina跟Hf分享一下專屬於她的粉紅時尚世界。
Hf: HOKK fabrica |J: Jina Han
Hf: Please briefly introduce yourself.
J: Hi, HOKK fabrica! I’m a sixteen year-old lifestyle and fashion blogger currently residing in Seoul, South Korea. I am a full time student at an international school but during my time off from studying, I like to take photos, read, and eat chocolate éclairs!
中: Hi, HOKK fabrica! 我是一個住在韓國首爾,十六歲的時尚生活博主。雖然我是全職學生,但在不用讀書的時候,我喜歡拍照,閱讀和吃巧克力的閃電泡芙!
Hf: What is fashion to you?
J: Fashion to me is a way to express my personality in a fun and quirky way.
Hf: Three words to describe your work?
中: 用三個字來形容你的工作?
J: 01 Exciting! I love my work and I’m so grateful to be doing what I love at such a young age.
中:01 令人興奮!我十分喜歡,而且,我很感恩我可以在那麼小的年紀就可以做我那麼喜歡的工作!
J: 02 Eye-opening. Despite being sixteen, I’ve already learned so much about the industry thanks to some amazing people I’ve met. Every opportunity is a great experience to learn new things and I’m so excited for the knowledge I’ll get to acquire as I get older!
中:02 打開眼界!儘管我只有16歲,我要感謝一直以來認識的人,因為他們令我對這個時尚圈的認識加深很多。每一個機會都是個很好的經驗讓我去學更多東西,所以,我對於將來可以一直獲得的知識感到十分興奮!
J: 03 Stress-relieving. I’m very passionate about fashion and the arts so I really value the time I get to spend working on my blog. It’s a great getaway from the stresses that come with school!
中: 03 舒緩壓力:我對時尚和藝術十分有興趣,所以我很珍惜所有用在部落格的時間,其實這也是一個可以讓我逃脫那些來自學校的壓力的好方法!

Some of the hottest, most interesting trends have been coming from Seoul lately. It’s definitely a place that flourishes with fresh, game-changing ideas.
Hf: Three words to describe Seoul?
J: 01 Nocturnal. Seoul never sleeps! ! I don’t think I could survive without my midnight MacDonald’s runs.
中:01 夜夜笙歌:首爾這個城市是「不會睡」的,我想如果半夜沒有麥當勞的話,我應該是沒辦法生存…
J: 02 Modern. Some of the hottest, most interesting trends have been coming from Seoul lately. It’s definitely a place that flourishes with fresh, game-changing ideas. There is never a lack of inspiration!
中:02 現代化:一些最火,最有趣的潮流都是來自首爾。這一定是一個可以孕育一些最新的想法的地方。
J: 03 Colorful. I never get tired of walking around the streets because there’s always something to see. Each alleyway is a whole new adventure on its own.
中:03 多姿多彩:我從來都不會覺得走在首爾的街頭無聊,每一個小巷都像是個冒險!

Hf: Why did you first start a fashion blog?
J: I first started my blog in the 8th grade as a simple hobby but over the years, it has evolved into a full-on creative medium where I like to share my artistic projects! Jinaesthetics used to be a space for me to write about how my day went and place to share interesting experiences I had with my friends but now I take it a bit more seriously, putting in more time to create quality content.
中:我是在8th grade開始經營博客的,本來只是興趣,不過,現在已經變成一個創作平台,讓我和大家分享一些我自己藝術的設計和方案!一開始我只是會寫每天的日子過的怎樣,分享和朋友一起有趣的經驗,不過,現在,我對Jinaesthetics十分的認真,用了更多時間去創作一些有品質的內容。
Hf: How does a normal day as a fashion blogger go like?
J: For now, it’s pretty normal! I wake up at 6:30 am to go to school and I come home at around 4:00pm so school occupies most of my days. I usually have extra studies afterschool so I get home around 10:00pm! I spend my weekends planning shoots, taking photos, doing homework and I occasionally go to meetings or brand presentations!

Hf: Where do you get inspiration?
J: I get a lot of my inspiration from Alexa Chung. She’s my ultimate style crush and I have to admit, I’m pretty guilty of stealing her outfits a lot of the times. I love her effortlessly chill, laid-back look and I’m a huge fan of her sense of humor! I’m also head over heels for Aussie fashion blogger Margaret Zhang! I think I can really relate to her, being a student and all. I also admire her determination and talents in many different areas (photography, styling, modeling, etc.)! Not to mention, she’s also a total babe.
中:我很多的靈感都是來自Alexa Chung。很喜歡她隨性有型的造型和她的幽默感!我也很喜歡來自澳洲的時尚博客Margaret Zhang! 我覺得我和她挺像的,都是學生。她的決心和才華,像攝影,造型設計和模特,都十分值得欣賞和學習!
Hf:Coffee or beer?
J: Coffee! Iced Americano please!
Hf: One last thing you need to know about Jina…
J: I really love traveling. I would really love to visit Morocco and Greece some day!

名字:Jina Han
Instagram: @jinahan
All photos courtesy of Jina Han
28 February 2015, 12:23 PM
HOKK fabrica
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