Wouldn’t it be nice to go out and relax away from the big city once in a while? I mean how wonderful it would be where you can rest and reconnect with nature in the middle of a concrete jungle! In this article, I will show you the three “it” places in Seoul where you can indulge yourself in nature, clear your mind and enjoy a great time with your friends and family.
# Studio Concrete
Studio Concrete, also known as actor Yoo Ah-In café, is an open studio with gallery, library, atelier, shop, and café. On the first floor, there is a small terrace full of greens. This is a rather sentimental area as they keep the plants even in the winter when they all wither, in the hopes it will be lively again when the weather warms up.
Studio Concrete是由演員劉亞仁投資開辦的,整個建築像是個開放的工作室,包含有畫廊、圖書館、畫室,商店以及咖啡館。一樓是一個充滿綠色植物的平台,每年到了冬天,即使植物都枯萎了,工作人員還是會將植物留在那裡,期待著來年春暖花開時它們能重新煥發生機。

The building is three stories high and each floor has its simple yet unique vibe. The second floor is where the main gallery is. It has many concept drawings and photos along with comfortable seats. Also, the mascot dog, Tak-gu, is much loved by many guests. Studio Concrete is a great place to chill, enjoy the breezy weather and it is located near Hangangjin Station as well near Itaweon. What a plus!
這棟建築共有三層,每一層有各自簡潔卻不失特點的風格。二樓是畫廊所在地,那裡有非常多的概念設計圖及攝影作品,還有舒適的座椅供參觀者休息。除此之外,這裏的吉祥物,大狗「Tak-gu」也非常受歡迎。Studio Concrete位於漢江鎮站附近,離梨泰院也不遠,是個休閒放鬆,親近自然的絕佳去處。

地址:162 Hannamdaero, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea
聯繫電話:+82 2 792 4095
營業時間:每天11:00 – 21:00
# Blute
Blute is a gardening café located in Hongdae, near Sangsoo station where they sell coffee and brunch. What is extra special about this café is that you can literally be surrounded by all kinds of flowers and plants as if you are in a beautiful forest. Yes, it is like the place you imagined while reading children’s books.

They also sell dried flowers that are very popular among Koreans nowadays. It is mostly famous for the room with yellow roses hanging upside down, which is also the main reason why I want to visit as well. According to people who have already been to Blute, they say it is a great place to take pictures, especially when the sun is up.

地址:12 Wausan-ro 14-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea
聯繫電話:+82 2 337 5733
營業時間:週一10:00 – 19:00,週二至週日10:00 –22:00
# La Bar
La Bar is not so well known yet a very beautiful bar located near Gyeongbokgung station. It is a café that turns into a majestic pub in the afternoon. They sell cocktails and draft beer along with hand dripped coffee and desserts. What is unique about La Bar is its “jungle” concept. The overall exotic atmosphere with plants hanging from the ceiling is quite fascinating and makes you want to stay even longer. Since it is near Gyeongbokgung Palace, a tourist destination, I recommend you visit after for a glass of cold beer to end the wonderful day exploring around Seoul.
La Bar是一家環境優美但還不太出名的店,位於景福宮站附近。每到下午,這家咖啡館就變身成一個華麗的酒館。店裡不僅提供雞尾酒和生啤酒,還有手泡咖啡和甜點。La Bar最獨特之處在於它的「叢林」主題:店內屋頂懸掛了各種充滿異域風情的植物,讓你忍不住想在店裡多停留一會。這家店離著名景點景福宮僅一步之遙,筆者強烈建議你在遊覽完景點後進店裡喝杯冰啤酒消暑,為一整天的首爾探索之旅畫上圓滿的句號。

地址:37 Hyoja-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea
聯繫電話:+82 2 737 3344
營業時間:11:00 – 01:00
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