HF: HOKK Fabrica
C:Hersha Chellaram
HF: 作為瑜伽教練,你的目標是什麼? 你在什麼時候決定要成為導師?
What is your mission as a yoga instructor? At what point did you decide that you wanted to teach?
C: 自小,瑜伽就已經成為我生活的一部分。 我的父親是我的第一位瑜伽老師,我們的家庭有一位上師Sri Swami Satchidananda。 他就像我的祖父一樣,對我影響甚深。 我在他的ashram度過了許多個暑假。 我從沒真正想過自己會成為一名老師,但是當我在2002年開始瑜伽導師培訓時(主要是為我自己……不真正為了成為老師),感覺就像我走上了正確的道路。 很快,就有人要我教他們。在我的瑜伽旅途中,我了解到因材施教是多麼重要。
Yoga has been a part of my life since I was a child. My father was my first yoga teacher and our family had a Guru, Sri Swami Satchidananda. He was like a grandfather to me and a major influence in my life. I spent many summer vacations at his ashram. I never really thought I would be a teacher, but when I did my teacher training back in 2002 (mainly for myself… not to actually teach), it felt like I was on the right path. Before I knew it, people were asking me to teach. In my journey, I have learned how important it is to make available these profound teachings in ways that are relevant and applicable to a diverse range of people.
Now, my mission is to create a more inclusive and accessible space in the world of yoga — not only for practitioners, also in training teachers to be aware and skilled to work with people of all abilities and backgrounds.
HF: 請分享一些您最難忘的瑜伽教學經驗。
Could you share with us some of your most memorable yoga teaching experiences?
C: 我教瑜伽很久了,結識了很多不同光譜的人,也有很多故事分享! 其中一些是:
我最初是在紐約Integral Yoga Institute當代課老師。 有一天,一個裝有木義肢的女人走進了我的課。 當時我沒有經驗,所以我不知道該如何在教學上配合她的需要。她著我繼續教,然後她自己會跟上,並在過程中教會我一、兩件該注意的事。我從未忘記她,因為那天只是看著她,就學會如何改編教學。
I’ve been teaching yoga for a very long time and have met such a colourful bunch, with so many stories to share! Here are just a few:
I started out as a substitute teacher at the Integral Yoga Institute in New York. One day, a woman with a wooden leg walked into my class. I was very inexperienced at the time and I had no idea how to accommodate her in my class. She expressed that I should carry on teaching and she would adapt and probably teach me a thing or two in the process. I’ve never forgotten her because I learned how to adapt poses seamlessly that day, just by watching her.
Another memorable teaching experience was when I started to teach prenatal yoga in Hong Kong, and woman in her 40s walked in. She had never tried yoga before, and didn’t ever think she would get pregnant. She was a motorcycle enthusiast and suffered an accident prior to getting pregnant. She had limited mobility and a titanium plate in her leg. She couldn’t get down on a mat and up again, and had to practice in a chair the entire time. After the yoga classes, she expressed her gratitude for being included and engaged in the class even though she did not have the same ability as the others in class. I remember her fondly because she reminds me how important it is for all students to have respect and dignity irrespective of their ability.
I also had the privilege to work with a young boy with a rare genetic disease and developmental delay. His family were one of the first to give me a chance when I started teaching yoga to children with special needs. His mum said to me, “I cannot even get him to put on a sock. How can I get him to practice yoga?” However after a few weeks, she said to me that he practiced yoga and mantra in his room all the time and she never thought it was possible. This memory really touches my heart and inspires me every day to keep doing what I do.
HF: 分享你在修練瑜伽的過程所遇到的一些困難。
Share with us some of your struggles or problems faced in the journey of pursuing yoga.
C: 在過去我自己學習瑜伽的日子中,我經歷了許多掙扎。有一次,即使我自己能有更好的判斷力,我還是讓我的老師調整我的姿勢,這讓我多次傷到了自己的身體。這就是為什麼我真正相信學生必須具自發性––發揮自己的力量並為自己做出決定。
I’ve had many struggles in the past in my own journey as a student. I have experienced injuries which were a direct result of my allowing teachers to adjust me despite my better judgement, thinking that somehow it would make me a better yogi. This is why I truly believe that students must have agency — exercising their own power and making decisions for themselves.
I also experienced a major setback during my second pregnancy. I was following popular prenatal yoga practices at that time and suffered from a terrible pain in my hips because the practices created joint instability. I couldn’t walk and my physiotherapist recommended I avoid yoga altogether. At the time, I was also grieving the death of my grandmother but didn’t have an outlet. I fell into a postnatal depression. I was lucky in that I had the right kind of help to come out of it, but I realised that women going through the major life transition into parenthood need the right tools to support them physically and emotionally.
在為弱勢和特殊需要的社群教瑜伽時,你會很容易對世界感到灰心,這就是為什麼照顧我的心理健康,並保持我的堅強和穩定至關重要。 冥想是我一生和日常練習的重要部分,在香港很難找到包括這部分在內的瑜伽課程。我對在主流市場的瑜伽感到困惑。許多人們可以依靠的、用以尋找內心平靜和讓身體感覺良好的一些普遍簡單的方式,瑜伽在這裡被推廣的方式並沒能突出這點–我們作為一個行業,我們確實需要改變這一點。
In teaching yoga to communities with vulnerabilities and special needs, it’s easy to get disheartened by the world, which is why taking care of my mental health and keeping my mind strong and steady is of utmost importance. Meditation is a huge part of my life and daily practice, and it’s hard to find classes in Hong Kong that includes it as part of yoga. I struggle with how yoga is offered in the mainstream. The way yoga is marketed here does little to highlight the many often-simple tools a person can rely on to find peace of mind and feel good physically – and we as an industry really need to change that.
HF: 你如何預視自己未來的瑜伽路?
How do you foresee your practice of yoga evolving in the future?
C: 在過去的50年中,瑜伽行業發生了巨大變化。我來自與上師的直接傳承,與印度血統有淵源。現在,瑜伽已進入上「後上師時代」,瑜伽教學更便利。隨著越來越多不同年齡和能力的人學習瑜伽,你現在可以開始看到從業者的多樣性,我希望我們推廣瑜伽的方式能歌頌各種各樣的身型、種族和年齡。
The yoga industry has changed so much over the past 50 years. I come from a direct lineage with a Guru and connection to the Indian roots. Now yoga is in a post-Guru era and the teachings are more available than ever. With more people of different ages and abilities practicing, you can now start to see the diversity of practitioners and my hope is that a diverse range of body types, ethnicities and ages will be celebrated in the way we market yoga.
瑜伽界的虐待歷史也曝光。聽到瑜伽老師如何虐待和對待他們的許多學生,我感到很難過(這可能就是Guru文化快要消亡的原因)。瑜伽行業發生了變化,負責任的老師現在必須遵循新的行為準則。我看到教學語言和實踐範圍也在不斷發展,以幫助避免傷害和虐待學生。當我聽到瑜伽老師責罵學生對動作作出修改時,我仍然感到難堪。在沒有意識到這一點之下,教師在示範高級姿勢時排斥學生,然後他們也沒有循循指導。許多學生被告知要「看就好」或「就做嬰孩式吧 」。
The history of abuse in the yoga world has also come to light. I have been saddened to hear about how yoga teachers have abused and treated many of their students. (This is probably why the Guru culture is dying.) The yoga industry has changed in a way that responsible teachers must now follow a new code of conduct. I see teaching language and the scope of practice evolving as well to help avoid injuries and abuse in students. I still cringe when I hear a yoga teacher scold a student for taking a modification. Without realising it, teachers exclude students when they demonstrate an advanced pose and then do not offer any step by step guidance to begin. Many students are told to “just watch,” or “just take child’s pose.”
最後,我看到瑜伽又回到了一個完整的整體練習中。越來越容易成為瑜伽老師,而學生們開始對自己的健康負責。 隨著越來越多的人開始在身體層面的瑜伽上進步,他們會更加好奇地往內走。一個人要扭曲自己的身體多少次才能意識到,如果他們沒有內心的平靜,練習就會失去意義。除了身體層面的練習之外,我預見到瑜伽的內在教義,將成為更全面和綜合性的主要練習部分。
Finally, I see yoga coming back around full circle to a holistic and integrated practice. I see yoga teachers becoming more accessible and students taking charge of their own health and wellbeing. As more people progress in the physical side of yoga, they will be more curious to go inwards. How many times will it take for a person to contort their body to realise that if they have no peace of mind, they have lost the point of the practice? I foresee that the inner teachings of yoga – beyond the physical practice – will also form a major part of a more holistic and integrated practice.
HF: 沒有瑜伽的人生會是⋯⋯
A life without yoga would be……
C: Yogis是善良的靈魂,他們富有同情心地服務於周圍的人們,使事情變得比被發現時更好。我知道有這麼多的Yogis會默默做一些小而美的事–—保持街道和公共廁所保持清潔、欣賞別人等小小的善舉。瑜伽教導你遵循非暴力和誠實的生活。如果把它拿走,世界會是什麼樣? 大概不是很好。
Yogis are kind souls who serve those around them with compassion, leaving things nicer than how they find them. So many yogis I know take small, anonymous actions to leave the streets and public toilets cleaner, to appreciate people, and to offer small acts of kindness. Yoga requires you to follow a life of non-violence and honesty. What would the world be like if you took that away? Probably not very nice.
HF: 你如何看待未來幾年瑜伽文化的變化?
How do you hope to see yoga culture change in the years to come?
C: 我很樂意看到更多更方便且平易近人的瑜伽空間,人們可以在那裡一起自由地忘我練習。 我希望看到瑜伽老師能夠共同努力,使我們的行業更加容易接近和具包容性。我希望看到更多的殘疾人練習,並成為老師。因瑜伽獲得力量的人若能走出來賦予他人力量,這是我很樂見的。
I would love to see more accessible yoga spaces, where people can practice together without any self-consciousness. I hope to see yoga teachers working together to make our industry more accessible and inclusive. I hope to see more people with disabilities practicing and becoming teachers. I would love for those who feel empowered by yoga to go out and empower others as well.
HF: 請分享你通過多年的瑜伽練習中學到的重要人生課題。
Share with us one important life lesson you’ve learnt through the years of yoga practice.
C: 瑜伽真的不是要讓你的身體變成不同的形態。瑜伽代表過著真實的生活,照顧好自己的身心,照顧他人,保持平和與專注,平衡地面對痛苦和愉悅,並通過細微而持續的善舉使世界變得更美好。瑜伽也意味著尊重你所遇到的每個人。
That yoga really isn’t about shifting your body into different shapes. It’s about living an authentic life, taking care of your body and mind, looking after others, staying calm and focused, regarding pain and pleasure with balance, and making the world a better place through small, consistent acts of kindness. It’s also about regarding every human being you encounter with dignity and respect.
HF: 試說說(在運動以至世界)建立包容性文化的重要性?
How important is it to create a truly inclusive culture in and beyond the world of sport?
C: 我們社會的好與壞,在於最弱小、最貧窮和最殘障的成員過得有多好。如果我們能夠一起支持弱小的人們,那麼世界將是一個更好的地方。無論你從事哪個行業,瑜伽業、運動業,還是美容業,每個人都可以使自己的行業更具包容性和熱情。
Our society is only as good as our weakest, poorest, and most disabled member. If collectively we can uplift those who are vulnerable or disadvantaged, the world would be a better place. It doesn’t matter which industry you are in, be it yoga, sports, beauty, etc., everyone can make their space more inclusive and welcoming.
HF: 你希望瑜伽能如何改變生命或為他人賦權?
How do you hope that yoga can empower or change others’ lives?
C: 你投入多少於瑜伽練習中,就是你將從練習中得到的東西。這就像投資在自己身上一樣。如果你的練習超出了身體層面,並包括其他例如自我探索,培養仁愛和同情心、禪和服務別人的方面,你將感受到變革性的改變。 你想要研究多深入,都是取決於你自己。
What you put into the practice is what you will get out of the practice. It’s like making an investment in yourself. If you take your practice beyond the physical aspect and include the other paths of self-inquiry, cultivating kindness and compassion, meditation, and service, you will feel transformative change. How deeply you go into it is up to you.
There is a style out there for everyone and whether you dip a toe or dive in fully, that’s up to the student to decide. We will welcome everyone with open arms.
HF: 教導體格健全和殘疾人士有分別嗎?
Is there a difference teaching people with able-bodies and mixed abilities?
C: 無論您是體格健全的人還是能力有限的人,每個人都有一個內心世界需要考慮。能力有限也可能是精神上或情感上的。如果僅根據人的外表來考量一個人,那麼你已經在限制你的學生。我的教學方法是考量人的整體:身體、精力、情感、智力和靈性。然後為所有層次和級別提供選項,確保讓學生知道不僅只有一種「正確」的瑜伽練習方法。
Regardless of whether you are able-bodied or have limited ability, there is an inner world of each human being to consider. Limited ability could also be mental or emotional. If you only regard a human being based on their physical appearance you are already limiting your students. The way I teach is to consider an entire human: physical, energetic, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. Then offering options for all the layers and levels, making sure that the students know that there is not only one “right” way to practice yoga.
HF: 你認為有哪些事是健格健全的人會視作理所當然的?
What do you think are some of the things that able-bodied people take for granted?
C: 行動自如。被看見,被認可和被聽見。不會因身體能力,而被低估你的智力。這些都是我們總認為理所當然的事情。
The ease of movement. Being seen and acknowledged and being heard. Not having your intelligence underestimated because of your ability. These are things we often take for granted.
HF: 在2020年你如何看待女權主義和男子氣概?
What does feminism and masculinity mean to you in 2020?
C: 沒有公正,就不可能實現平等。在生活中,有些人擁有資源和力量,有些人沒有。來自一個小康家庭,我有責任幫助那些沒有同等特權的人,無論大小,盡我所能。在生活裡,並非每個人都會有同樣的機會。如果我能為願意把握的人提供機會,我會的。這所需要的只是教育和關注。
Equality cannot happen without equity. In life, there are those with resources and power, and there are those without. Coming from a family of privilege, it’s my responsibility to do my part, however big or small that can be, to help those who don’t come from the same privilege. Not everyone will have the same opportunities in life. If I can offer opportunity to those who are willing to grab it, I will. All that is needed is education and awareness.
To me, feminism means that women get the acknowledgement, respect, and support they need to thrive. When women can grow and prosper, so does a whole society. Women do a lot behind the scenes. One of the main areas where I see women needing support is with their transition to motherhood. A woman has to change her identity, her family dynamics, and balance her career, making many sacrifices along the way. Especially in Asia, I’ve seen how society expects women to carry on as usual without offering any support. I know so many mothers who support ageing parents, unemployed siblings, distant relatives, partners’ debts, and manage their careers, homes, and children – and no one even bothers to acknowledge their struggles or their efforts. Instead, these are simply things expected of a good Asian daughter, wife, and mother.
One of my core services is to empower women as they go through pregnancy and early parenthood. I offer both in-person and online trainings in this regard because it is so important to offer a woman the right kind of physical, emotional, and mental health support as she goes through some of the biggest changes in her life.
HF: 有哪些面孔曾啟發過你?
Who are some of the people who have inspired you along your journey?
C: 人會根據在他們生命裡的人們,慢慢成為自己。如果不是因為以下的這些人,我將不會是今天的我:我的老師——Swami Satchidananda和我所有的老師。Mother Teresa是我的英雄,還有我自己的母親,她是帶著無私笑容的典範。 我想在自己的生活中延伸他們的一些崇高品質。我的丈夫,孩子和姐妹無條件地支持我。 他們提醒我,我只是人,以最好的方式挑戰我,並激發我照顧自己。
A person becomes who they are, based on the people in their lives. I would not be who I am today if it were not for the following people: My Guru, Swami Satchidananda and all my teachers and mentors. Mother Teresa is a personal hero for me, as well as my own mother, who is a fine example of selflessness with a smile. I would like to develop some of their noble qualities in my own life. My husband, children and sisters support me unconditionally. They remind me that I’m only human, challenge me in the best of ways, and inspire me to look after myself.
我美麗的外甥女Talia,她出生時患有罕見的遺傳病,這在我的生活中發生了很大的變化。她和她的家人一起教會我接受和勇氣的力量,這是我創建YAMA Foundation的靈感來源。
My beautiful little niece Talia who was born with a rare genetic disease and shifted so much in my life. She, along with her family, taught me the power of acceptance and courage, and are the inspiration behind creating YAMA Foundation.
My cherished friends who encourage me daily to “go for it” and, of course, every single one of my students to whom all my work is dedicated to.
HF: 三個字形容做運動的自己。
Three words to describe ‘you’ working out or doing sports.
C: 盡心盡力、敞開心、平衡
Dedicated, open-hearted, balanced
HF: 用一個字形容你的身體。
Describe your body in one word and why.
H: 強壯,因為我可以抬起那些無法抬起自己的人們,並且我有能力為一個經歷黑暗的人提供空間。
Strong — because I can physically lift those who cannot lift themselves, and I have the capacity to hold a space for a person going through darkness.
HF: 何時對自己的身體感到最自信?
When do you feel the most body confident?
C: 在我每天練習瑜伽、呼吸和冥想之後。
After my daily practice of yoga, pranayama, and meditation.
HF: ‘Every body is a yoga body’, 你如何看待這句話?
‘Every body is a yoga body’, what are your thoughts on this?
C: 我認為這句話代表著無論什麼身材、體形,任何人都可以練習瑜伽。 我想補充一點,瑜伽不僅是一種身體練習,而且實際上不完全與身體有關。 瑜伽是一種自我實現的方法,它使你的身體強壯健康,而且還有更多。如果你只關注事物的身體方面而忽略其餘部分,那麼你確實會錯過最好的部分。
I think this phrase implies that anyone can practice yoga, no matter your body shape or size. I would like to add that yoga is not just a physical practice and it’s really not about the body at all. Yoga is a method for self-realisation, which includes being strong and healthy in your body, but also much more. If you only focus on the physical side of things while ignoring the rest, you are really missing out on the best parts.
HF: 瑜伽或運動有否改變了你對身體的感覺?
Has yoga/ sport changed the way you feel about your body?
C: 是! 因為瑜伽,我學會了感謝和尊重我的身體。我永遠不會像運動或瑜伽廣告中的模特那樣苗條,但我是強壯的並歌頌我自己的曲線。
Yes! I have learned gratitude and respect for my body. I will never be skinny like the models on sport / yoga commercials, but I am strong and celebrate my curves.
HF: 在你看來,瑜伽是什麼? 瑜伽的目的是什麼?
What is yoga to you? What is the goal of yoga as you see it?
C: 根據「Integral Yoga」的說法,我來自的派系,瑜伽的目標和每個人生來享有的權利,都是體驗輕鬆的身體、平靜的心靈和有益的生活。
According to Integral Yoga, the lineage I come from, the goal of yoga and the birthright of every individual is to experience an easeful body, a peaceful mind and, a useful life.
HF: 你還記得第一次接觸瑜伽嗎? 什麼時候?怎麼樣?
Do you still recall the first time you were introduced to yoga? When and how was it?
C: 我不太清楚記得第一次,但是我有一個特別的回憶。那時候,我是一個蹣跚學步的小孩子,跟著父親在他的房間裡練習瑜伽。他當時在做一個shoulder stand,我跑進房間,坐在他旁邊,試圖模仿他在做的動作。
I don’t remember the first time exactly, but I have a distinct memory of me as a toddler practicing yoga with my father in his room. He was in a magnificent shoulder stand and I ran into the room, sat next to him, and attempted to imitate what he was doing.
HF: 瑜伽練習與快節奏的現代生活方式有何關聯,尤其是在香港?
How relevant is the practice of yoga to the fast-paced, modern lifestyle, particularly in Hong Kong?
C: 非常感恩有這麼多的瑜伽種類和工作室供人們選擇。 有些人喜歡剛硬和留很多汗的瑜伽。有些人則喜歡mantra和精神層面的東西。 有些人仍想減輕壓力和緊張感。另外,香港的戶外空間有限,因此我們目前的瑜伽環境與香港的生活方式息息相關。
I’m grateful that there are so many styles and studios for people to choose from. Some people like their yoga hardcore and sweaty. Others like mantras and the more spiritual side of things. Others still want to reduce stress and tension. Plus, Hong Kong has limited outdoor spaces so our current yoga environment is very relevant to Hong Kong lifestyle.
I just hope that our industry can shift its message away from having to perform or look a certain way in order to succeed, and more towards teaching people how to relax and connect to themselves.
HF: 你觀察到什麼關於瑜伽的一些常見誤解?
What do you think are some of the common, incorrect assumptions about yoga?
C: 哇,有很多——
Wow, there are quite a few:
That you have to look a certain way to practice
That yoga will make you look a certain way if you practice
That you need to be flexible
That it’s a religion!
That there is a hierarchy in poses (because some of the most advanced poses are the most basic!)
That it’s just about poses and contortion
That you need expensive gear to practice
That you need to spend a lot of money to access a class
The list goes on…
HF: 你認為人們對修練瑜伽的人有任何刻板印象嗎?你如何看待這些刻板印象?
Do you think there are any stereotypes about people who do yoga and what do you think of those stereotypes?
C: 當然有刻板印象。 我聽過這些聲音:瑜伽愛好者被描繪成新時代嬉皮士或沉迷於排毒的高瘦女性。瑜伽愛好者是素食主義者。 瑜伽愛好者是行動主義分子。 還有更多。 最大讓人痛心之一的是瑜伽愛好者動輒就品頭論足。
Of course there are stereotypes. I’ve heard them all in my journey — yogis are portrayed as new-age hippies, or high strung skinny women addicted to detox. Yogis are vegans. Yogis are activists. There are many more. One of the most hurtful is that yogis are judgmental.
在生活中,有很多標籤。 我選擇不關注他們。 與其浪費時間去擔心這些不必要的細節,倒不如去支持我的同伴和朋友們,共同創造一個更具包容性、友善的瑜伽空間,這一點更為重要。
In life, there are so many labels. I choose not to focus on how someone labels me or my fellow yogis. Instead of wasting time worrying about these unnecessary details, it’s more important to support my peers and friends in the work they do and to work together to create a more inclusive and accessible yoga space.