熱於在社群平台分享自己身穿比堅尼,到海邊戲水照片的泰意混血音樂人 SILVY,曾寫下如此簡單而意義深遠的一句話:
Size doesn’t matter. What matter most is how you see yourself.
SILVY 熱愛有肚腩、有脂肪模樣的自己,而基於想讓大眾反思「瘦即是美」的價值觀,她特地邀請其他音樂人合作,以身體自愛為歌曲主軸,宣布今年發表最新作品“XL”。
SILVY 自泰國歌唱比賽《The Star 7》嶄露頭角,她擅長 R&B 曲風,歌聲厚實且充滿渲染力,能帶領聽者進入到歌曲的情緒之中,兼具歌唱實力與脫俗性格,總給人留下深刻的印象。或許是因為年僅 15 歲就出道,時常出現於螢光幕前,使她不免受到媒體的放大檢視,甚至被先前的唱片公司企圖製造一個完全不符合她個人的形象。
經過了多年的沈澱與整理,25 歲的 SILVY 明白活出自己理想的樣子才是人生最優先的事,而作為一個現代女性,她深知性別平等、LGBTQ權利、女性賦權至關重要,經常在個人社群媒體強調自信自愛以及實踐身體自主的理念。
於是,SILVY的新作品“XL”便由自身角度出發,剛強有力地唱出「人們曾經把我放在一個盒子裡/他們將我包裝成一個不是我的形象(“People used to put me in a box / They made me something that I’m not”)」,並以派對曲風作為主旋律,藉此邀請世界各地的女性透過慶祝的方式,接受和擁抱真實的自己。
不願再為了迎合世俗的眼光而失去自我,SILVY 這次要用音樂,為身體自愛意識發聲,今回更特別在 13 Things 欄目,與我們分享她的人生想法。
Spice + Energy Drinks – Normal = ME.
香料 + 能量飲料 – 普通 = 我。
At some point in my life, I thought I was a cold hearted person. I was a troublemaker before and I lived a shitty life. A LOT of BAD decisions were made. I’m so GLAD i SURVIVED.
One of the happiest days in my life was when me and my mum had the deepest conversations ever. My mum and I, we talk about almost everything. I could tell her about all my problems and she’s helped me past my hard life of abusing myself. I love spending time with her and gossiping about the neighbors. Haha.
In life, I am most grateful for the love and understanding that my mom, my family and my friends gave to me. I know I can be HARD sometimes, but to know that there’s someone who’s loving you, that’s all that matters. It’s strength for you to keep fighting with this world.
One thing I never told people is that I love the feeling of getting a syringe injection. I just love getting pinched by anything. INKED too ( but I guess you all know cause I have a million tattoos on me). I think I’m a little bit of a sadist. Haha
Love is not always suffering from pain, it could bring a lot more light to your life too.
Something I wish I said more was how much each person in my life means to me. I never had that chance to tell my Papa before he passed. So this is what I regret and am trying to be more good at it.
I will never forget how I hurt the people close to me.
If I could see into the future, I want to know when will i die because if it’s tomorrow then I’ll start planning. Haha
如果我能預見未來,我想知道… 我什麼時候會死去。因為如果是明天,我就要開始計畫了,哈哈。
My biggest ‘why’ in life is why do we have to do things that we don’t want to. It sucks when you have to do things you don’t want. But also sometimes it could bring much more good things and good change. But I still ask WHY though because i’m whiney as hell. But I do it anyway. It’s complicated.
If I have one day left to live, I would use all the money i have to buy whatever i want by not thinking and spending time with my loved ones.
I want you to know that you can be fearless and vulnerable at the same time.
Lastly, I’d like to leave you with one question…Can’t you see how beautiful you are?
24 August 2021, 12:00 AM
HOKK fabrica
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