
9 Quotes: 学「日本潮流教母」当一个时尚又有态度的女人!

曾几何时,很多自称潮人的少男少女都非常迷Comme des Garcons这个品牌,一个长了眼睛的黑色红色心心是时尚还是身份象徵,就只有他们才知。但假若你连品牌创办人川久保玲也不知道的话,也不用告诉别人你是「Garcons迷」了。若果说Vivienne Westwood是英国的潮流教母,那来自东瀛的代表人物必定非川久保玲莫属。


日本时尚教母川保久玲Rei kawakubo Comme des Garcons

Collage by Joanne L/©HOKK FABRICA

Fashion is something you attach to yourself, put on, and through that interaction the meaning of it is born. Without the wearing of it, it has no meaning, unlike a piece of art. It is fashion because people want to buy it now, because they want to wear it now, today. Fashion is only the right now.


日本时尚教母川保久玲Rei kawakubo Comme des Garcons

Collage by Joanne L/©HOKK FABRICA

Comme des Garcons is a gift to oneself, not something to appeal or to attract the opposite sex.

Comme des Garcons的衣服不是用来吸引异性的。

日本时尚教母川保久玲Rei kawakubo Comme des Garcons

Collage by Joanne L/©HOKK FABRICA

I make clothes for a woman who is not swayed by what her husband thinks.


日本时尚教母川保久玲Rei kawakubo Comme des Garcons

Collage by Joanne L/©HOKK FABRICA

Beauty is whatever anyone thinks is beautiful.


日本时尚教母川保久玲Rei kawakubo Comme des Garcons

Collage by Joanne L/©HOKK FABRICA

One should buy clothes because of how they make you feel, not look.


日本时尚教母川保久玲Rei kawakubo Comme des Garcons

Collage by Joanne L/©HOKK FABRICA

There is a kind of burnout – people just want cheap fast clothes and are happy to look like everyone else.


日本时尚教母川保久玲Rei kawakubo Comme des Garcons

Collage by Joanne L/©HOKK FABRICA

I’ve always been against people who told me what to do.


日本时尚教母川保久玲Rei kawakubo Comme des Garcons

Collage by Joanne L/©HOKK FABRICA

If I do something I think is new, it will be misunderstood, but if people like it, I will be disappointed because I haven’t pushed them enough. The more people hate it, maybe the newer it is. Because the fundamental human problem is that people are afraid of change. The place I am always looking for-because in order to keep the business I need to make a little compromise between my values and customers’ values-is the place where I make something that could almost-but not quite-be understood by everyone.


日本时尚教母川保久玲Rei kawakubo Comme des Garcons

Collage by Joanne L/©HOKK FABRICA

I built my work from within instead of satisfying a demand for sexualised clothing.





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