談起馬來西亞的音樂,很多人立刻想起的就是主唱全球熱播單曲Crush的唱作歌手Yuna。除了她之外,筆者近來接觸了一隊來自吉隆玻的音樂組合──Pastel Lite,介紹給大家認識吧!
「硬朗女聲遇上電子男」大概描繪了筆者對Pastel Lite的印象,Pastel Lite的女主唱Eff Hakim一開口,便有種反叛的魅力,加上由她拍檔Faliq Mohd所調配的電子聲效和節奏,令人想起輕狂歲月的青春放蕩。而Pastel Lite則形容自己像一本空白的簿子,根據直覺創作和試驗。
We hope we sound like whatever we feel sounds good. People really need to hear us to figure out what exactly we stand for and decide upon themselves.
Pastel Lite由一對二十來歲的男女全職音樂人組成,他們本身對音響工程十分感興趣,聽他們的音樂就能夠感受到這點。Pastel Lite在吉隆波已經冒起了一段時間,兩年前推出首張EP,去過中國搞音樂會,而談到當初的組成,Eff和Faliq不約而同告訴筆者是一個巧合和奇蹟:
It all started when we collaborated together for the first time without knowing exactly what to expect. We made a song called “Have Me” and the process was so swift and easy and we didn’t even knew each other at the time. We thought to ourselves that it was magic and the rest was history.
(譯:樂隊的開始源自我們第一次一起玩音樂,當時我們沒有帶著甚麼期望,我們寫了Have Me,過程中迅速容易,當時我倆還不是很熟呢。我們覺得那次創作經歷十分奇妙,樂隊由此而生,之後的事就不用多說了。)
Pastel Lite 2015年推出的EP──ETCETERA
因音樂而結緣,Eff和Faliq遇上對方後創作靈感爆發,隨意為樂隊改了一個名字後便埋頭苦幹創作。談到創作靈感,Pastel Lite分享道:
Our inspirations vary on a daily basis. But as of lately, we both are very inspired by seventies ballad hits, romance, the concept of time travelling, people, death and just life in general.
如果想進一步了解他們的創作靈感,Pastel Lite推薦大家聽聽七十年的樂隊如Electric Light Orchestra、Heart、Piero Umiliani,還有大家熟悉的 ABBA、 The Carpenters和Bee Gees。
Pastel Lite將於今年五月推出處女專輯,現階段他們還是賣個關子不肯透露詳情,不過如果聽過他們的EP而又喜歡他們的音樂的話,大家不妨關注他們的Instagram,屆時支持他們吧!
We are really excited about our first full-length album. All we can say is that we put a lot of heart and soul to it and that we can’t wait for everyone to hear it.
每週一Music Monday專欄,介紹你會喜歡的新音樂,新歌單!
6 March 2017, 12:00 AM
HOKK fabrica
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