大家對壞女孩總是有種定型──紋身、抽煙、打扮標奇立異,甚至帶點危險。Harumi Hironaka的作品,大概中了一般人對「壞女孩」的定義。藝術上,Harumi Hironaka不怕坦蕩蕩的表露真性情;現實中,她不怕展現自己的身體,玩鋼管舞、拍性感照,用不同方法探索女性的身體和性慾。Hf最近跟這位來自巴西的八十後畫家談過。
I go with my gut and it tells me to be bold.
H: Harumi Hironaka | Hf: HOKK fabrica
Hf:Could you tell us more about yourself?
H:My name is Harumi Hironaka, I’m a 30 year old Peruvian-Japanese painter and illustrator currently living and working in Sao Paulo. I lived my teenage years in Japan, where I was influenced by Anime and Manga. Actually, I wanted to become a manga artist, but ended up studying languages. Even though I’ve always enjoyed drawing I got into painting not so long ago as a means of therapy, to help me deal with my emotions and crisis.
中:我叫Harumi Hironaka,是一位30歲的秘魯日本裔畫家和插畫家,現居於聖保羅。我的青少年是在日本度過的,那時我深受動畫和漫畫影響。其實,我以前是想當一名漫畫家的,但最後修讀了語言科目。雖然一直以來我都喜歡畫畫,但我都是不久之前才開始重拾這門興趣,透過畫畫治癒情感和危機。
Hf:How would you describe your work? What’s your creative process like?
H:My work is all about expressing myself, I translate my anger, my pain, my dissatisfaction and my fantasies into color. I don’t think people should take it too seriously. I’m pretty sure this will change eventually, but, for the time being, I just go with my gut.
H:I start off with a basic idea (emotion) and then build up around it. I would usually take a picture of someone (my sister for example) or ask an IG follower to take a selfie. Recently I have started to use myself as reference, but I really don’t like it that much. Then I draw a rough sketch with all the elements, and once I’m good with it I transfer it onto watercolour paper and start painting.
Hf:I’m really loving those badass female characters in your work! Is rebelliousness an important aspect of your life? Why are you often drawn to rebellious subjects, especially rebellious women?
H:Yes, rebelliousness is crucial. I’m a rebel but not without a cause. Society wants us women unthreatening, positive and communal and I feel like challenging those imposed patterns. We’ve been silenced and reduced for so long and now that things are changing for us, we have to speak up, to get loud and support each other. I could probably paint decorative girls with vacant expressions, surrounded by flowers and butterflies. They probably would look nice on a family home wall; but that’s not me. I go with my gut and it tells me to be bold.
Hf: Since your work is what some would call ‘racy’ or ‘explicit’, have you encountered any sort of censorship? How do you respond to this external challenge?
H:Yes, my work gets reported and taken down often. They also freeze my Facebook account as a form of punishment. Last time it happened was because of a female nipple, so what I did was change it a little bit… I digitally covered it with a male nipple and posted it again. In my opinion, there was nothing sexual or obscene about it.
雖然Harumi經常形容自己的作品為「low brow」(低俗),但現實中的她可是一位十分有內涵、愛閱讀的人。誰說壞女孩不能同時愛鋼管舞和文學?最初又是誰設定「高尚」和「低俗」的標籤?或許,壞女孩之所以被稱為「壞」,大概是因為她們大膽,會做出一般人不敢做的事情吧。
29 October 2016, 12:00 AM
HOKK fabrica
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