說起書店,大家大概會馬上想起整齊排列的書、分門別類的書架、紙張獨有的氣味、站著看書的人們,以及各種文具精品……這間位於新加坡的書店 Cat Socrates 決意打破這種「書店」的既定印象,從唱片到各種新奇有趣的文具,從小說、雜誌,甚至廚具、單車、自製果醬,你都可以在這間小店找到,店裡更有貓店主坐陣!這天,我們遇見了Cat Socrates創辦人Hellen,看看這間特別的書店背後故事,以及「書」之於她的意義。

-Hellen,新加坡獨立書店Cat Socrates創辦人

Hellen於2008年創辦了新加坡小店Cat Socrates,位於新加坡中心地帶的一幢大廈;有趣的是,該大廈又有「書城」(“Book Town”)之稱,本身也是許多書店和唱片店的落腳店,文化氣色濃厚。最初,書店主要售賣書本和唱片;在經營的11年間,Hellen逐漸為小店增加不同產品,如今有著兩間分店,更分別有兩位貓店主看家,令Cat Socrates不再只是書店,而是一處令生活變得更好的地方。

歡迎來到Cat Socrates!
HF:HOKK fabrica|H:Hellen
HF:你可以用三個詞語或是一句句子去形容Cat Socrates的風格嗎?
Can you use 3 words, a phase or a sentence to describe the style of your bookstore?
It’s a collection of things which I feel will make daily life feels more endurable, or say – better.
How do you select what books or titles to stock in your bookstore? What do you look for in books?
Our collection of book is more to the lifestyle category, besides travel guide, cookbook and books about hobbies like gardening or pet caring, a very important part is “self-help”,
But unlike the regular self-help books you usually found in general book stores, our collection digs deeper. It’s from ‘to really know yourself’, to learn to be resilient, to acquire the knowledge of emotional intelligence.
I think although we are not usually talking about it even with partner or close friends, everybody is a bit lost, confused and feeling some kind of broken in our life, we never really learned about how to deal with it in school, and probably hard to find the answers from other people. You may be able to find some answer or at least some comfort here in our collection of books.
Can you share an important book or quotes from book that has made a lasting impact on you?
I think that must be below quote which I actually made it into a neon light sign in our shop front: Things don’t need to be perfect, we are creatures eminently suited to ‘good enough’. It’s actually from a set of cards call “resilience”.

Original photo courtesy of Cat Socrates

與 眾 不 同 , 只 因 想 自 己 和 前 來 的 人 有 更 好 體 驗
HF:你的店分別有兩隻貓──Zoo-Zoo 和 Chestnut。為什麼你會在店裡養貓?
There’re two cats, Zoo-Zoo and Chestnut, in your shops. Why would you keep them in your shops?
We are all huge cat lovers, all our staffs are crazy about cats, for us, working with cats are blessing in life. Although most of us have our own cats at home, but we just couldn’t resist to have more!

Original photo courtesy of Cat Socrates

Original photo courtesy of Cat Socrates
HF:你的店裡有個“Singapore Corner” ,可以介紹一下嗎?
There’s a “Singapore Corner” in your shops. Could you share with us the rationale between the setting?
Singapore is a tourism city, actually a lots of tourists visit our shops every day, everybody wants to get meaningful and interesting souvenirs to memorize the trip, unlike the regular tourism products like Merlion keychain or ‘I Love Singapore’ Mug, we housed several Singapore local brands which bringing us a lots of beautifully designed products by some of Singapore best graphic designers. One of the best things running the shops is to hear people from all over the world saying how much their love our shop (and our store cats).

在 城 市 經 營 獨 立 書 店的 危 與 機
What do you think about the bookstore scene in the city you live in?
I feel it’s still not too bad for this very economic benefit oriented city, our market is considerably small compare to other city which make it harder to manage, but there are still lots of book stores surviving, maybe the big companies are pulling away from really retailing books, but independent bookstores are still hold fast to it.
What are some of the challenges running an independent bookstore in the city you live in?
H:那應該是高昂的間接成本(overhead cost)和人工成本。要是我以大企業的經營方式來營運書店的話,我就得僱用很多員工來處理業務;為了省下那些成本,我要親身處理很多繁重的事情。我們的員工都是女生,而我在她們當中是最強壯的了,所以每次有沉重的箱子要搬的時候她們都會找我。
I think it’s the high overhead cost and labor cost, it will be hard to survive if I operate business like those big companies, hiring labor for most of the things. In order to cut those costs, I have to personally do a lots of heavy works, as the most muscular strong person among all the staffs (we are all girls), I’m the one they will call every time we have heavy boxes to lift.

What is the one thing that you’d say to someone who wish to open a bookstore?
To run a bookstore might sounds laid back and even romantic, but like running any other kind of small business, there are same endless tedious work, personal life gets eaten away fully, but at the end you might be less likely to hate it.

珍 惜 美 好 的 當 下
Can you share some of your favorite bookstore memories?
Actually all the bookstore memories are good memories, I like go to bookstores since young, it always brings me joy, and more important, peaceful feeling.
What would you say to yourself 20 years later?
I don’t have any vision yet, sometimes it just brings us anxiety to look away in the future, I think more important is to be present, to enjoy the moment right now.
新加坡獨立書店Cat Socrates創辦人Hellen

Original photo courtesy of Cat Socrates
「 自 助 」 書 籍

by Alain De Botton
Photo via The School of Life

Photo via Google Books

by Indre Viskontas
Photo courtesy of Cat Socrates
關 於 文 化 和 歷 史 的 書

by Alvin Tan
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有 趣 的 讀 物

by Bexy McFly
Photo courtesy of Cat Socrates
我 讀 過 最 好 的 食 譜

Photo via Epigram
Learn more about Cat Socrates here!
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