如果你是「環保小先鋒」,那麼你可能早就認識瑞士綠色品牌FREITAG。這個品牌以獨一無二的回收防水帆布包而聞名,近日更在蘇黎世開設了SWEAT YOURSELF商店。當站在店鋪外面時,你會先看到一堆七彩布料整齊排列,而且還有很多不知名機器。沒錯,這間非一般的FREITAG概念店其實是一間微型工廠,更為大家提供動手自製包包的機會!

成立了26年的環保品牌FREITAG由「兄弟檔」Markus和Daniel Freitag所創立。這個招牌防水包包的靈感來源來自高速公路上的卡車。當時兩兄弟從公寓的窗口望出去,經常會被卡車上那些色彩繽紛的帆布所吸引,繼而產生了一個念頭:如果把這些帆布做成袋子會怎樣?於是兄弟二人便以二手卡車的防水油布、被丟棄的腳踏車輪胎及安全帶為原料,再經過清潔與加工,這個獨一無二的環保FREITAG包便正式誕生。
I’m almost as addicted to the smell of the markers as to coffee. Having both while sketching is great! #coffeeandmarkers #coffeeaddict #sketching #bagdesign #F620 #DAVIAN #bikeable #designer #flatlay #FREITAG
1,640 Likes, 2 Comments – FREITAG lab ag (@freitaglab) on Instagram: “I’m almost as addicted to the smell of the markers as to coffee. Having both while sketching is…”
Ok, just kidding. In reality we are watching out for nice tarps all over Europe. Till now we are buying from 17 countries. To be continued… #frtg #freitag #F52 #MIAMIVICE #bagstrucksandrocknroll #tarpbuyer #tarps #trucks
1,188 Likes, 5 Comments – FREITAG lab ag (@freitaglab) on Instagram: “Ok, just kidding. In reality we are watching out for nice tarps all over Europe. Till now we are…”
五年前,Markus和Daniel更研發了新原料F-ABRIC。這種以韌皮纖維製成的堅固物料由可堆肥的紡織品裡開發出來,秉持著品牌的環保理念。至於FREITAG包的顏色配搭一般是由團隊預先設計的,但很多顧客經常詢問有關選擇顏色方面的問題,加上各人也有著不同的喜好,為了滿足大家的願望,兩兄弟便決定開設這間SWEAT YOURSELF店子。
My favorite function? The extra deep and seamless outside pocket. You can store your bandit and tons of other stuff: Zoom in to read off the number on the scale! #queen #industrial #pocketsize #industrialgreen #damn #magazine #frtg #recycledbags #baglove #bagdesign
1,590 Likes, 6 Comments – FREITAG lab ag (@freitaglab) on Instagram: “My favorite function? The extra deep and seamless outside pocket. You can store your bandit and…”
Hello Jade again with her pink coat! Today we are in the old harbor from Rotterdam. This place is right in the city center and has some impressive ships and is populair for locals to meet, eat and drink. On a summer day ever terrace is full to the max. You also find here the first ever skyscraper from Europe. Photo credit: @capturedwith #frtg #freitagrotterdam #freitagbyeduardleiden #F553 #Lou #oudehavenrotterdam #skyscraper #shipspotter
736 Likes, 0 Comments – FREITAG lab ag (@freitaglab) on Instagram: “Hello Jade again with her pink coat! Today we are in the old harbor from Rotterdam. This place is…”
這間FREITAG微型工廠,為大家提供獨家型號f718 BUH包包的自製服務,而整個製作程序也相當簡單。首先,工作人員會啟動輸送機,並展示出所有的卡車帆布;在挑選好包包的正面、背面、底部和手柄的布料後,他們會教你使用切割機、樹脂玻璃模板、打孔機和超聲波焊接機,最後讓經驗豐富的f-crew縫製和鉚接包包,那袋子便大功告成。整個定制過程需時一個半小時,每個人的收費為250瑞士法郎(約港幣2000元左右)。

近年,時尚界興起了一道定制服務熱潮。先有奢侈品牌如Louis Vuitton推出錢包刻字服務,Dior亦新推出了Book Tote手袋刺繡服務,甚至是高訂服務等,也相當受到大眾歡迎。為什麼這類個性化服務如此盛行?也許與這個時代有著密切關係──在重視個人與自我的世代觀下,擺脫一式一樣的風格,建立獨一無二的自己,才能確立「我」的專屬身份。

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