

As my friends would say, “It seems like everyone is a couple in Korea”, there are couples everywhere! Along with that, there are loads of hot dating spots all around Seoul. Here are some personal recommendations on trendy dating spots in Seoul.

#1 CGV Sweetbox

To begin with, going to the movies is typical classic move, huh? But CGV Sweetbox takes the experience to the next level. Sweetbox is different from regular seats because two seats are combined to one so couples can snuggle while watching a movie. It is only a few dollars more so if you want to spend a more special time in the theater, check out CGV Sweetbox! It is not available in all theaters so make sure you look it up before you go.
相信任何人都试过看电影约会吧?这个看似经典的约会方法却被CGV Sweetbox带到另一个层次!Sweetbox跟一般戏院的坐位不同,这个戏院的椅子都是把双人坐位连在一起的,这样就可以在看电影时让情侣依偎在一起。在Sweetbox看戏都只是比一般的戏院价钱贵一点,如果想要一个更特别的电影时间,来这裏绝对值得。注意,不是每一间戏院都有Sweetbox座位,所以去看电影前记得要先查清楚!

首尔约会CGV Sweetbox

Photo via CGV

#2 Itaewon Restaurant and Bars

Itaewon is a raising rising dating spot in Seoul because of its hip, unique style. There are several bars located and you can also try beers from all over the World. I highly recommend Vatos, a Mexican restaurant, because it has the best shrimp tacos. Another specialty I adore is called Kimchi Fries. It is primarily a french fries dish with cheese, onion, jalapeno, and KIMCHI! It’s a definitely a must.


Photo via tistory

#3 Garosu-gil DIY Ring Cafe

You may ask, how do you make a ring by yourself? It’s simple. Just visit one of the DIY ring cafes located in Sinsa, Garosu-gil. I have recently made my own couple ring and it was so much fun. The teacher makes the overall outline and you get to choose the design or even engrave letterings of your choice. Not only is it a memorable experience for both, but also the fact that you get one of a kind couple rings. In addition, it is not that pricey, which is always a plus!
你可能会问怎样可以亲手DIY戒指?其实很简单,就是去位於新沙的DIY戒指Café!小编最近亦弄了一对情侣戒指,过程相当有趣。导师会替你弄好戒指的外形,而你就要自己选择款式和刻上自己想要的文字。这个不单是一个有趣的情侣体验,更可以有一对独一无二的情侣饰物。另外这个DIY情侣戒指并不是太贵,有兴趣的可以去试试!(延伸阅读:《Shops We Love: 韩国情侣们的信物!下次跟男友到首尔也要亲手弄这个!》)


via daum

#4 Chungdam Once in a Blue Moon

Once in a Blue Moon is a jazz bar located in Chungdam. It is near Apgujung Rodeo station and is a great place to enjoy music with your loved ones. It is a lovely place with a long history. If you visit their website, you can also see the live schedule. Highly recommended to those who want a mellow, yet classic date.
Once in a Blue Moon是一间位於清潭的Jazz Bar,它邻近狎鸥亭罗德奥站,是一个很好的地方让你与爱人一同享受音乐,那里亦是一个充满历史的地方,你可以在它的网站看到最新的表演日程表。绝对适合那些喜欢古典和柔美约会的人!
首尔约会清潭Jazz Bar Once in a Blue Moon

首尔约会清潭Jazz Bar Once in a Blue Moon

via Facebook/ Once In A Blue Moon

#5 Garden 5 Jjimjilbang

Jjimjilbang is a public sauna that is very popular among young couples. It is cute because couples can get a chance to share their personal sides since they will look haggard with the provided Jjimjilbang clothing. As you have probably seen in Korean dramas, people will also make sheep shaped towels out of the towels and place it on their heads to look adorable, which I personally think they do. Also, the ramen and boiled eggs tastes are amazing after the hot sauna.


via zzimzilbang.com

#6 Konkuk Uni. station Commonground

Commonground is located near Konkuk University and is also a rising hot spot in Seoul. The main reason it is so popular nowadays is because it is new and is the first largest pop-up container shopping mall in the World. There are over 70 stores packed with modern designer brands and exquisite food trucks. Best of all, the Commonground is made with cobalt blue containers which looks amazing when taken a picture makes it a great photo spot. Selfie time!
在建国大学附近的Commonground亦是最新的约会地点,除了是因为它是新建成的景点外,亦是因为它是世上最大型由货柜搭建而成的商场。那里有超过70个由现代设计师组成的品牌,亦有售卖不同美食的小档。另外Commonground是由蓝色货柜砌成的,所以最适合作为拍照的背景。Selfie Time!


Photo via donga


Photo via yahoo

#7 Han River

The Han River is also a must. I personally like the Han River the most at night because you can see the beautiful lights in the buildings and along the bridges. If the weather is nice, couples usually lay out a mat or set up a tent. You can also order fried chicken because they literally deliver to wherever you are, and enjoy it with a cold beer. Also, if you have a car, it is also a romantic place to enjoy a car date, especially on a rainy day.


via dramafever.com

#8 Bugak Skyway

Bugak Skyway is one of the best driving courses at night. Once you arrive at the top, you can get off the car and go up to the Palgakjeong, a Korean traditional house pavilion. There, you can enjoy the beautiful night scene. You can literally see all of Seoul in shining lights as well as the famous Namsan N Seoul Tower.
Bugak Skyway是一个很适合自驾遊的地方。当你到驶到最顶,你就可以下车然後走路到韩国传统房屋楼阁的八角亭。你可以在那里所赏美丽的夜景,你可以看到首尔闪亮的灯光和著名的南山N首尔塔。

首尔约会Bugak Skyway夜景

Photo via inguesthouse

#9 Gangnam Station

Lastly, you cannot forget Gangnam right? Oppa Gangnam style! Gangnam station is a great place to enjoy the nightlife; Best place to drink all the alcohol and even clubbing. If you are a wild couple who loves to have fun and make memorable times, have fun in Gangnam. One hot rising restaurant I would recommend is Tokkijeong. It is so popular that people line up almost two hours to get in. Their most well known specialty, cream curry udon, is an unforgettable dish because it is not a common taste. They also sell various types of sawah, type of alcohol, in fruity flavors. The overall atmosphere is very homely as well!
最後相你必定不会忘记江南吧?Oppa Gangnam Style!江南站是一个很适合享受夜生活的地方,你可以在那里喝酒和到酒吧!如果你和你的情侣都是喜欢有趣的地方的狂野一族,那麽江南就最适合你们!其中一间很受欢迎的餐厅是Tokkijeong,为了进入餐厅人们都不介意在门口等两小时,这样就知道它的受欢迎程度有多高。那里最著名的就是奶油咖哩乌冬,是一碟很难令人忘怀的菜式,因为它的味道真的非常特别,那里亦有不同口味的Sawah,是一种有不同果味的酒精饮品。整体而言那里的的气氛都是非常舒适、很有亲切感的。


Photo via miwit


Photo via kakaocdn




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