EDITOR’S CHOICE: 世界各地藝術風格地鐵站
Busy modern people nowadays might be too busy to appreciate the aesthetically pleasing beauty of some subway stations, but there are indeed some artistic subway stations that must be acknowledged. Here are some to mention:
01 瑞典斯德哥爾摩中央地鐵站
(T-Centralen Station, Stockholm, Sweden)
02 瑞典斯德哥爾摩市政大廈站
(Rådhuset subway station, Stockholm, Sweden)
Sweden, well known for its Nordic designs, turned their subway stations into a piece of art. Total length of 110km, connecting 100 subway stations, a total of 150 artists collaborated this work to provide a theme for each station. Now, passengers can feel the Swedish culture and art simultaneously with a cheap ride. It is no wonder that the Stockholm Subway System is called the world’s longest art exhibit.
03 意大利拿坡里Toledo地鐵站
(Toledo subway station, Naples, Italy)
Welcome to Napololi’s Art Station which has been declared as the most impressive subway design in Europe by the daily telegraph. The blue design with dazzling stars mimic a starry, underwater sea view, illuminated by soft lights creating an eccentric ambience. This artistic subway station was under the city government’s project, led by Oscar Tusquets Blanca’s firm from Barcelona. Blanca, an architect with ample experience in design, painting and urban planning, indeed made the subway station stand out and attract world’s tourists.
歡迎來到拿坡里的藝術車站!由《每日電訊報》支持設計的車站被稱為是歐洲最壯觀的地鐵設計。蔚藍色的底色加上閃耀的星星模擬出水下星空,在柔光的照耀下,展示出奇幻的氛圍。 這個地鐵設計是政府工程,由巴塞隆拿著名建築設計師Oscar Tusquets Blanca主持設計。作為一個建築設計師,Blanca在設計、繪畫、城市規劃等領域有著豐富的經驗。他設計的車站果然十分出眾,吸引了世界各地的遊客。
04 高雄地鐵美麗島站
(Formosa Boulevard Station – Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
One of the busiest stations in Taiwan, Formosa Boulevard Station is known for the largest round-shaped station in the world. The station features ‘Dome of Light’ at the upper part of the station, known as the biggest public installation in the world. This 30-meter diameter artwork features colorful stained glass from Germany, adding colors and beauty to the otherwise dull station. Various themes are delineated on the artwork, ranging from the story of human life to basic elements such as light, fire and water. However, the main theme converges to love and tolerance.
05 俄羅斯莫斯科基輔站
(Kievskaya Metro Station, Moscow, Russia)
Moscow Metro is known for its luxury designs. Kievskaya metro station, along with Komsomolskaya station displays the Ukrainian theme dedicated to the friendship between Russia and Ukraine. The metro station itself is named after the capital city of Ukraine, Kiev. On the walls, every picture holds Russian symbols of the Soviet Union, such as the hammer and sickle.
Photos via nexustravelsolutions.com & nytimes.com