
Life in Calligraphy:她的新派書法,讓女生們上了人生的一課!

要說到近年最流行的興趣,必定要數書法,不論是中文還是英文書法,都成為全世界的大熱,單看近年所推出的練字書數量就是一個最好的例子,若然有留意Instagram上的書法紅人,那你有可能曾經被她那結合塗鴉和照片的書法吸引著,她就是Instagram有20K的網絡紅人Eugenia Clara,她用新派的書法勾畫出一段段人生的課堂,看看你能否從中得到什麼啟發?
Eugenia Clara artist calligraphy hokk fabrica
Eugenia Clara是印尼人,現在是一個全職的書法、塗鴉師,熱愛創作的她想不到是作工程系畢業的女生,在她創立這個Instagram之前,她只是業餘的把自己作品放在網上商店出售,怎料反應非常好,這樣就促使了她成為全職的書法、塗鴉師,專注在自己的興趣上,雖然現在她已經關閉了自己的網店,但她仍然非常熱衷於在網上分享自己的作品,更經常大方講解自己所使用的工具,讓不同人作參考。



Eugenia Clara artist calligraphy hokk fabrica

Darling, you have the courage to make it through anything.

Eugenia Clara artist calligraphy hokk fabrica

Love everyone so that they can save themselves.

Eugenia Clara artist calligraphy hokk fabrica

Start being wrong and suddenly anything is possible.

Eugenia Clara artist calligraphy hokk fabrica

If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough.

Eugenia Clara artist calligraphy hokk fabrica

Spend your money on the things money can buy. Spend your time on the things money cannot buy.

以Flat Lay平放的手法把書法連同所使用的工具構成一幅幅豐富的照片,在讓人欣賞她書法之餘也能夠介紹自己所用的工具。

Eugenia Clara artist calligraphy hokk fabrica

She sat in the dark, trying to find the light of hope. And then she realized, all she had to do was open her eyes.

Eugenia Clara artist calligraphy hokk fabrica

You know they are always there.

Eugenia Clara artist calligraphy hokk fabrica

I’m afraid of not making my mark in the world.

Eugenia Clara artist calligraphy hokk fabrica

Listen to your instincts.

Eugenia Clara artist calligraphy hokk fabrica

If you can stop- why wouldn’t you?


Eugenia Clara artist calligraphy hokk fabrica

Should I walk away or try even harder?

Eugenia Clara artist calligraphy hokk fabrica

Some people work doing what they love. Some people work so that they can do what they love when they’re not working. Neither is more noble.

Eugenia Clara artist calligraphy hokk fabrica

Sine coffee nihil sum. (Without coffee I am nothing)

Eugenia Clara artist calligraphy hokk fabrica

Remember how vast the ocean’s boundaries are.

Eugenia Clara artist calligraphy hokk fabrica

There’s a hole in my heart that can only be filled with warm and fuzzy puppy.

Follow Eugenia Clara on Instagram

Photo courtesy of Eugenia Clara


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