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It hasn’t been long since Sweden’s furniture giant IKEA landed in Korea, only to be threatened by a local retail store that just stepped up its game to a “town” status. E-Mart Town which opened in mid-June, as they named it, is a mega retail complex built in the Northwestern tip off Seoul, featuring an extensive range of products from home appliances to food and beverage facilities, catering for the trendy customers.
瑞典生活家居品牌IKEA剛落戶韓國不久,就立刻受到了「本地薑」E-Mart Town的威脅。如它的名字一樣,六月中才開幕的E-Mart Town是座落在靠近首爾西北部旁的超大型綜合零售商城,具有廣泛特色產品,從家用電器到餐飲設施一應俱全,主打時尚客戶群。
E-Mart is actually a big chain supermarket in Korea, with 152 stores nationwide along with its smaller installments called E-Mart Express to target more local customers. E-Mart Town is the largest installment among all, housing the existing E-Mart supermarket and a warehouse-style wholesale store, similar to IKEA, but over 3,300 m2 which is the size of ten soccer fields combined. Its supermarket, called E-mart Traders, is a Costco-style store that is fitted for bulk purchase, whereas the warehouse dubbed The Life is a heaven for furniture lovers, as it is fully stocked with ready-to-go home appliances and furniture, along with a customized shop that designs furniture according to the customers’ needs.
在韓國,E-Mart其實是一個大型連鎖超市品牌,在全國有152所門店,其中一小部分的E-Mart Express則是主打本地客人。E-Mart Town是當中最大的門店,結合了E-Mart超市和倉儲式批發店模式,與IKEA相似,但佔地面積超過3,300平方米,足足是10個足球場大小。裏面的超市E-Mart Traders走Costco風格,店內可進行批量採購;而其中被稱為The Life的大型家品店是家品愛好者的天堂,因為裏面全是可隨時添置和使用的家用電器和家俬,還有一個可以根據客戶的需要設計家俬的定製傢俱店。

With its trend-savvy digital marketing strategy as it can be seen by its mobile-customized website, E-Mart Town is gathering hordes of people despite its remote location. One of its highlights include the Electro Mart, which opted for a male-friendly approach on the traditionally female-dominated shopping scene by housing over 1,000 figurines as well as drones, 3D printers, action cameras and other trendy gears.
其精明走向的數字營銷策略可以從它的移動定製網站看出,這令位置偏遠的E-Mart Town仍能夠聚集一大群消費者。其中一個亮點就是Electro Mart,它在傳統的女性為主的購物導向中選擇更靠近男性群體的消費傾向,在商城內存儲了超過1,000件模型以及無人機、3D打印機、相機和其他時髦的玩意。

The F&B section named Peacock Kitchen follows in the footsteps of the trendy food trucks, as seen by the array of international cuisines available at fancy food stalls, which embodies a food theme park by the words of an ELLE magazine editor.
售賣餐飲的Peacock Kitchen也趕上了新興的食品卡車潮流,設立了卡車造型的美食攤位,售賣各式各類的國際美食。用一位ELLE雜誌編輯的話來說,這裡就是一個食物主題公園。
Looking for a one-stop shopping experience? E-mart Town has it all. If you’re staying at Hongdae area next time, save some time for E-mart Town, since a 45-min train ride will take you directly to the venue from Hongik University Station.
你是否正在尋找一站式消費購物體驗?來E-Mart Town就對了。如果你下次來韓國準備待在弘大附近,可以預留一些時間前往E-Mart Town,只要從弘益大學站搭乘45分鐘火車就能到達啦!
E-mart Town
Address: 171 Kintekseu-ro, Ilsanseo-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do (20 min walk from Daehwa Station Exit 2)
(小編Tips:E-mart Town就在京畿道大化區,附近有比較顯眼的地標有韓國國際展覽中心Kintex和Hyundai百貨公司,乘車到大化站2號出口,可以步行約20分鐘或坐計程車,車程約5分鐘)
Tel/電話: +82-31-936-1123
Opening hours/開放時間: 10:00 – 24:00 (每月第2和第4個星期三關閉)
Cover image via Instagram/ jodi486
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