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Streaming Now : 不完美,是這隊西班牙全女班樂隊Hinds的記號!

Indie band跟我們的關係總是好像這麼近又那麼遠。只要喜歡音樂或是懂得樂器也能組成一隊indie band,當然好聽與否是另一回事。然而對於聽慣主流音樂的聽眾來說,indie band的世界卻又彷彿有點深不可測。究竟Indie Band象徵著什麼呢?這隊一夜爆紅的全女班西班牙樂隊Hinds告訴你:「Pop is about perfection. We’re the opposite」。
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Photos via hinds.bandcamp, momandpopmusic, theindiewayblog, wfuv

在2011年,四位年輕女生創立了樂隊Deers,當中成員包括Ana Perrote(Bass)、Amber Grimbergen(drums)、Carlotta Cosials 及Ana Perrote(主音及結他)。後來因團名涉及抄襲等法律問題,因此才改名為現在的Hinds,並於2015年正式誕生。在短短的一年,她們已被知名樂隊The Strokes及The Libertines邀請擔任開場表演樂隊,更被稱為2015年最受曯目的女子樂隊。究竟她們的獨突魅力是什麼呢?相信這與Hinds的風格要求有莫大關係。
hinds西班牙馬德里樂隊hokk fabrica

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hinds西班牙馬德里樂隊hokk fabrica

Photos via luckynumbermusic, thewanderinglamb, theodysseyonline

眾所周知,pop music仍然主導著音樂界。在曲風方面,他們大多追求鮮明節拍及朗朗上口的歌詞。此外,歌手們為了展示自己的實力,他們會在曲中運用許多技巧,希望為聽眾帶來享受。相反Hinds所創造和所追求的,卻是一種不修飾美。

Our shit, our rules. We want to play the music that we enjoy listening to. When we try to write a sad song we always have it going well for a bit, but then someone will come into the room and we’ll all start jumping around until it turns into a happy song. We can’t help it!

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hinds西班牙馬德里樂隊hokk fabrica

Photos via dailyfreepress, primarytalent

四位不但擁有獨特的音樂魅力,外表更十分青春可愛,加上這個「全女班」陣容,令大眾把焦點放在非音樂之上。在她們的角度來看:「We didn’t want people to talk about us being girls, We decided that we were going to dress as boys and act as boys. It didn’t work. Everyone noticed we were girls. Everybody was talking about whether we’re cute or not.」 她們希望大眾是喜歡Hinds的非主流歌曲,而非她們的外貌或性別。現在,她們十分享受這種創作生活。在思想主導之下,Hinds用旋律與歌詞來表達自我。加上真性情的表演,每次的live演出,她們總能帶動到台下的聽眾,這也是專屬這四位馬德里女生的魅力。
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hinds西班牙馬德里樂隊hokk fabrica

Photos via fastforward-magazine, fluxpresents, cfaruolo

筆者原來對Indie Band完全沒有概念,但自聽了Hinds的音樂後,好像開始理解到當中的堅持及精神。雖然筆者的經驗尚淺,但無可否認她們是正在打破主流,而且更為音樂界帶來新的氛圍氣息。逆流而行從來不是易事,但相信Hinds的堅持會令她們能繼續走下去。

There are a lot of girls in pop, but pop is about perfection. We’re the opposite. We get messages on Instagram from girls – and boys – in their rooms, listening to our songs and just being free. They feel they can do it, too. They see us and see that it’s OK not to be perfect.

- Hinds,Spanish Indie Rock Band

Reference: theguardian, nme, wiki


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