【13 Things專訪】媽媽終於明白我為何要去健體──遇見性別流動倡導者小風
在 驕 傲 月,
我 們 一 瞥 一 道 道 散 落 在 亞 洲 不 同 角 落 的 彩 虹,
邀 請 了 來 自 日 本、新 加 坡、台 灣、香 港 的 酷 兒 分 享 TA 們 的 13 件 事,
回 首 生 命 中 的 滂 沱 大 雨,
幻 想 彩 虹 彼 端 的 烏 托 邦。
On Pride Month, let us take a peek at rainbows scattered across Asia.
Inspirational queer faces from Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
Reminiscing their rainy days in life, and imagining a world over the rainbow.
“When I donned my first bikini for a bodybuilding competition, I realised that gender can be more fluid, I don’t have to be confined by a binary construction of gender.” Siu Fung, poet and a bodybuilder, shares their journey of owning their rainbow, and their vision of moving freely within the rainbow.
“Discrimination stems from misunderstanding.” Siu Fung notices the Hong Kong LGBTI community lacks support and there are rarely any events related to certain issues. They, then, explain the need for bridging mainstream and sexual minorities. “Everyone ought to take part in the movement, be it LGBTI activities or sharing their journey. It helps the public to understand how we have been treated unfairly.” Speaking of facilitating communication among queers, Siu Fung is particularly looking forward to the first Asia sporting and cultural event Gay Game 2022, “I believe the event will help unite the sexual minority in Hong Kong and Asia.”
Here is our rainbow dialogue with Siu Fung.
HF:HOKK Fabrica | SF:小風/Siu Fung
Please briefly describe yourself to the reader.
SF:我是小風,是一位大學教學助理,亦是一名職業健美運動員。我的原生性別是女性 ,社交性別則是男性,而在運動上我以女性的身份參加比賽。
My name is Siufung. I am an undergraduate teaching assistant and an IFBB pro bodybuilder. I was assigned female at birth and socially as a man. I compete as a female bodybuilder.
HF: 你的性別身分是什麼?
What is your gender identity?
SF:我的性別認同是性別流動 gender queer 或是gender fluid,而我是一位泛性戀者。即是我喜歡一個人,不是因為其性別或性別認同。
I identify myself as gender queer or gender fluid. I am pansexual, which means I like a person regardless of their sex or gender identity.
HF: 你是如何找到自己的「彩虹」?
How did you find your own pride?
I found my own pride In 2015, when I put on my first bikini for a bodybuilding competition. At that moment I realised my gender can be fluid, it does not have to be binary.
HF: 你生命中最自豪的一刻?
What was your proudest moment in life?
I entered my second bodybuilding competition in 2016, it was the only time mother came to watch me compete. I remembered she walked to the backstage, the first thing she told me was, “You should have won, not fourth.” My mother was always against my bodybuilding career, but from that day on, she started acknowledging my passion.
Another eventful moment would be an audience showing his appreciation after I shared my journey of finding my identity and passion in life. He said my openness had inspired him to reflect upon his life and gender identity, and I was quite moved. These were my proudest moments, helping others going through dark times.
HF: 對你而言,「驕傲」一詞代表什麼?
What does “Pride” mean to you?
Pride is to announce yourself with confidence and courage: I do not conform. We should be given the freedom to express ourselves within the society.
HF: 對你而言,「身分」一詞代表什麼?
What does “Identity” mean to you?
Identity gives you a sense of belonging, it helps us to understand ourselves. At the same time we should not be bound to it, which might hinder our ability to visualise new identities.
HF: 你在什麼時候最自信?
When do you feel the most confident/comfortable?
Every time I enter a bodybuilding competition, it takes me 12 to 16 weeks to prepare. From choosing my stage bikini, putting on makeup, to striking my physique poses, there is a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment from hard work. Those are the moments when I feel most confident.
HF: 分享但願自己在擁抱彩虹前知道的事。
What are the things you wish you knew before owning your rainbow?
I wish I knew I was not alone. At times it feels like I have a peculiar point of view in life, yet I know there are many others who share similar visions with me.
One thing to know about LGBTQ+ community in Hong Kong?
Discrimination stems from misunderstanding.What I have noticed is the LGBTI community in Hong Kong lacks support, there are rarely any events related to certain issues.Where I am recording this video is a place called “Nose in the Books”, Hong Kong’s first independent Library. I am one of the core members in the group. We have a section for gender and sexual minorities studies. We are planning to organise more events to explore the topics of gender, hoping to build the bridge between mainstream and sexual minorities.
Message you want to share with fellow LGBTQ+ community?
SF:有許多Gay Les Trans覺得爭取權益只是Activists做的事。自己最想跟這個群體說的話是,其實很需要透過每一個人去走出來,無論是參與有關LGBTI的活動,或是分享自己的故事,令公眾更理解我們的生活,以及在社會上面對的不公對待。
People in the community thought it is an activist’s job to fight for LGBTI Rights. What I’d like to say to them is everyone ought to take part in the movement, be it LGBTI activities or sharing their journey. It helps the public to understand how we have been treated unfairly.
HF:你最喜歡的LGBTQ +書?
Your favorite LGBTQ+ Novel?
SF:Female Masculinity,作者Jack Halberstam。他用理論的形式作電影和visual images分析,解剖這個沒有男性的Masculinity。我本身是進行性別研究,所以這本書對我有特別大的啟發。
Female Masculinity by Jack Halberstam. Through textual analysis of movies and visual images he deciphered the myth of exclusive masculinity, which Halberstam stated female masculinity exists and has been subordinated. It is an inspirational book for gender studies students, and helped me on finding my own identity.
HF: 對LGBT文化的未來有何展望?
What do you foresee for the future of LGBT culture?
SF: 兩年之後我們將會有gay games,亞洲第一個大型的運動、文化活動。我相信gay games後,無論香港或亞洲的性小眾會更團結。我期望將來普羅大眾會視性小眾只是其中一種人的類別。
“Gay games” is happening in two years, the first sporting and cultural event in Asia. I believe the event will help unite the sexual minority in Hong Kong and Asia. My hope for the future is sexual minorities will be accepted as norms among the society.
Instagram: siufung_law / nose.in.the.books
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