從93歲時尚傳奇Iris Apfel身上,學會這9個時尚智慧!
擁有別具個人風格的時尚品味,以及幽默而真誠的人格魅力,這位已是93歲高齡的當代時尚傳奇Iris Apfel的形象極其鮮明和獨特。她不僅是位商人、室內設計師,更是時尚先鋒,以及美國卓越的珠寶和高級定製服飾收藏家。在自傳紀錄片《Iris》中,她講述了自己的生活和時尚態度,現在,我們一起來學習這位老奶奶的人生智慧吧!
I’m not pretty, and I’ll never be pretty, but it doesn’t matter. I have something much better. I have style.
I don’t sit and judge anybody. I always feel it’s better to be happy than well dressed.
When you don’t dress like everyone else, you don’t have to think like everyone else.
More is more and less is a bore.
Color can raise the dead.
Life is gray and dull; you might as well have a little fun when you dress.
I like to improvise.
If your hair is done properly and you’re wearing good shoes, you can get away with anything.
I don’t have any rules, because I’d only be breaking them.
跟時尚前輩們偷師吧!READ MORE:
《Carmen Dell’Orefice:越成熟,越有味道》
《Vivienne’s Wisdom:七旬紅髮西太后傳授的英式時尚智慧》
《Grow Old With Style:老了也要像這位紅髮icon Alice Carey一樣時尚!》