K-Style :上班就要像姜素拉這樣穿搭!
The latest K-drama Misaeng (미생) doesn’t have a flower boy nor a Cinderella girl. The plot doesn’t unfold around birth secrets or a love triangle. Instead, Misaeng focuses on the relationships that might form at a workplace. Due to its striking resemblance to reality, the show became a cultural phenomenon and created a new term Gab-ul relationship (갑을관계/甲乙关系), in which the drama depicts the hierarchical structure between superiors and newbies, and the discrimination against women in the workplace. The heroine Kang So-ra, even though well-educated and confident, struggles to strive in the corporate workplace full of male superiors.
韓劇 《未生》Misaeng (미생) 是近年來難得一見「很不韓劇」之作,拋棄了韓劇以往車禍,癌症,醫不好,早死,虐愛等等套路。沒有大牌明星撐場,沒有外星人苦戀大明星,長腿歐巴追灰姑娘等曲折離奇的劇情。僅僅在每一集70分鐘裡不急不緩地交代職場菜鳥張克萊 (任時元飾)在一家大型外貿公司的職場故事, 偏偏這個既熟悉又陌生的職場人生百態,正正給職場人一份強烈的代入感。皆因全劇非常接地氣地呈現了一幕又一幕貼近現實的職場細節,「甲乙關係/갑을관계」在韓國亦變成一個流行語,形容前輩後背腐蝕性階級觀念和歧視女性職場人的術語。劇中安英依(姜素拉飾)是一個擁有出色業務能力的女性職場人,卻因遭遇男性前輩性別歧視,不得不默默承受。

Even though the drama aired its final episode a month ago, Misaeng still touches the heart of many Koreans having to go through the daily struggles at corporate jobs. With the drama’s big success, the heroine’s fashion came into light with many magazines shooting her in business looks. Let’s have a close look into her fashion in the drama.
《未生》 在上月以超標成績落畫,但是這個「未生熱」依然持續,特別是劇中女主角姜素拉主演的安英依角色,成了不少職場女士的模仿對象。最近,姜素拉被不少時尚雜誌邀請拍攝時尚專輯,讓我們盤點她在劇中的職場打扮!
Black & White
How can a woman be sexier than in a tight black skirt? Kang so-ra does a good job of the classic office look thanks to her amazing figure.

Our Picks
Double Collar Silk Shirt, HK $369, available at Zalora
Tube Midi Skirt, HK $503.18, available at Shopbop
Gina leather heel, HK $1201.54, available at Nastygal
Safira Ring, HK $1363.82, available at Shopbop
The pink double coat by Jill Stuart adds femininity to her, creating a warm, lovely look. A full pink suit, on the other hand, shows how women can still look feminine despite the neutral manish look.
Jill Stuart 粉紅大衣為安英依這個角色添加了多一份女人味,上班一族不妨大膽嘗試。另外不得不提的是其中一幕以全粉西裝出現,略帶中性,這樣的打扮實在是太有範了。

Our Picks
Felted Wool Full Length Coat, HK $5387.67, available at Revolve Clothing
Merino Roll Neck Jumper, GBP £95, available at Reiss
Talia Belted Pants, HK $713.19, available at Revolve Clothing
Berliner Leather Platform, HK $1379.84, available at Nastygal
A simple buttoned-up shirt with comfortable slacks? There’s your look of the day! Just don’t forget to add a belt for the final touch.
職場女士們一定少不了襯衫,其實款式不是重點,最重要的是整體效果,譬如繫上小皮帶,加上小配飾,但是不要過火哦,記住「less is more」 。

Our Picks
Flowy Picket Blouse, HK $239.4, available at Zalora
Hideaway Blazer, HK $1317.82, available at Nastygal
Cropped Pant, HK $1108.53, available at Revolve Clothing
Vault Leather Heel, HK $1255.81, available at Nastygal
Dark-colored cardigans go best with light-colored blouses. Cardigans can be worn at any season. If your look looks too dull today, spice it up by a cardigan of your choice.
職場人少不了毛衣外套,畢竟你是控制不了中央空調,全年365天室內都停留在19 或 20 度,毛衣外套除了是你的保暖救星,也是一件能為你打破沈悶格調的單品。

Our Picks
Cozy Cape, HK $ 1900.01, available at Shopbop
Pinstripe Tapered Trousers, GBP £85,available at Reiss
Cut-Out Detail Top, HK $119.5, available at Zalora
Bee Mules Storm, US $375, available at Tibi