K-Dictionary Vol.05:你具備韓國社交生存技巧Noonchi(눈치) 嗎?
Although you might fantasize about working in Korea, surrounded by hot oppas and classy working ladies, after all, it all boils down to a noonchi(눈치) game, where you have to utilize your social skills at your best and learn how to take simple hints to act accordingly. All in all, noonchi is best translated to “reading between the lines.” Culturally unique to Korea, this whole noonchi culture is most prevalent at workplaces, but can apply to any interpersonal relationships. Here are some examples at different situations to help your understanding.
被韓國Oppa包圍,身邊的同事都是衣著優雅的女生──有否曾經幻想到韓國工作? 幻想總是美滿的,實際上韓國的工作環境很講求社交技巧,noonchi(눈치)可意譯為「弦外之音 」,專門用來形容那種八面玲瓏的社交技巧。在韓國的文化裡,noonchi普遍存在於工作環境,但亦同樣套用於普通的社交。以下這些情景和例子,能夠幫助你理解甚麼是noonchi。
At work
When you want to leave work on time but you have to keep an eye on other colleagues to see if they’re leaving or not, especially looking out on your direct team senior or manager to leave, since you want leave after they leave in order to give a good impression that you’re hardworking.
When you want to apply for your annual or maternity leave but you still want to uphold the reputation of a diligent worker, you might have to reschedule or forgo your leaves while skillfully using noonchi.
Among friends
When you want to go home early on a night out while all of your friends want you to stay out late, you might have to use some noonchi and leave at an appropriate time that your friends might be cool on, especially if someone older than you is there.
When your friend tells others about your secret or weak points that you obviously don’t want others to know. Now, that friend lacks some serious noonchi.
With family
When you want to go out late at night, but your parents might be trying to lock you in and ask you why you’re going out this late. In this case, use some noonchi and leave home without getting noticed by parents. Good luck!
Your parents might give you some eye stare, a.k.a., noonchi, if you belong in any of these situations: jobless, single, lack of ambition, gained weight, did poor on the exam, which all mean that you should do the opposite.
In a relationship

Guys, listen up. When your girlfriend says “that’s pretty,” it means she wants it. If you have some noonchi, it wouldn’t be that hard to figure out.
When you want to go out on a date, but your friend asks if she/he can join, a.k.a., thirdwheeling. That is what we call someone who doesn’t have noonchi. Just leave the couple in peace, please. It’s called date for a reason.
Cover image courtesy of Misaeng
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