Wanting a fair skin? Or a better skin tone with more vitality? Before you rush to the skin care salon, how about trying out easy and simple DIY skin care at home? Before you toss out the green teabag you used this morning, or the rice water used to boil rice for today’s meal, think twice and use them to apply it on your skin. Here are some cleansing water remedies that you can try out now. 想要白嫩嫩的肌膚?或是想要喚醒肌膚的活力好氣色?除了美容院,你也可以自己在家裡DIY簡單快捷的美容護理。在你丟掉用過的綠茶包前,或是倒掉用過的洗米水前,想一想,你會發現原來它們都可以用來塗在臉上的。這期,Hf韓國小編介紹三個最愛洗臉水的祕方,趕緊試試看吧!
Rich in vitamin B and minerals essential for beauty, rice does not only make a staple food to live on, but is great for your skin. Just keep the rice water you used for boiling rice and use it as a cleansing water to splash it on your face multiple times at the very last step of washing off your face. Rice water has the benefits of brightening skin tone, anti-aging and adding glow to the face by stimulating blood flow. It also has a moisturizing effect and tightens pores. In just a few days of using rice water, you can spot a flawless and brightened face with less sun spots, age spots and hyperpigmentation.

Green Tea
Green tea ice cream! Green tea chocolate! Green tea latte! What is up with Asia and all the green tea fix? Recently, though, green tea has been commercialized in beauty products with products such as green tea skin care products popping up everywhere. However, there’s a way you can enjoy the same benefits of green tea without buying merchandised products. Simply use the used green tea bags and rub them over your face as a facial mask or get two green tea bags and put them on each of your eyes to treat swollen eyes. Otherwise, you could cool down green tea water and use it as a facial wash as illustrated above with rice water. When used on skin, green tea will make your face glow and help reduce your pore size, tightening the skin.

Ever had that moment when you took out the milk carton you kept in the fridge and found out that it had expired? Don’t worry. You can now use it on your face. If you can’t eat it, let your skin have it. Queen of Egypt, Cleopatra is known to have used milk as her beauty secret. The lactic acid in the milk serves as a great skin exfoliator, while the natural fat will moisturize and smoothen your skin. Use milk as cleansing water, bath, or a facial mask by adding honey. You will be able to notice your smooth skin in a few days.