Koreans are known for their love of singing which may be the reason why there are so many talented people at audition shows such as Super Star K. Here are some of our recommendations on where to go karaoking in Korea.
眾所周知,韓國人十分鐘情於唱歌。這可能能解釋為何韓國音樂選秀節目如Super Star K等有著這麼多富天份的參賽者,全因他們對唱歌的熱情及喜愛。而這次將為大家推薦一些韓國的卡拉OK bars!
單人卡拉OK房:Karaoke Soo for One
We all have one of those days when we want to scream our heads off or be really sentimental and sing songs until all these negative feelings go away. However, you just can’t find the right person at the right time to do it with. If that is your case, then this karaoke for one is just the place for you. This cozy karaoke has a drinking bar for just a thousand won and you can record the songs that you sang and send it to your e-mail or SNS for record. We all know that we each have a superstar in ourselves, so why not bring out that Beyoncé in you?
不論你是誰,大家有些時候總想找個地方高聲地尖叫一番,或在多愁善感的日子裡唱著歌,直到釋放所有負能量出來。只是,你經常不能在對的時間找到對的人。如果以上是你的心聲,那這間單人卡拉ok房絕對是一處適合你的地方。這間舒適的卡拉ok bars包括了一個drinking bars,你只需花1000圜便能享用他們的飲品。此外,你更可在這裡錄製專屬自己的個人歌曲,然後send到個人的email及SNS作為紀錄。相信在每個人心中都存在著一個巨星,那你為何不把心中的Beyoncé釋放出來?
Tips: From 7am to 12pm on weekdays, it’s only 2,000 won/hour. The price varies with time and there also are rooms with headphones that are a little pricey, so check carefully before choosing a room you would like to use.
Hf tips: 在假日的7:00am-12:00pm,一小時只需2000圜。但注意價錢會隨著不同時間作出相應改變。此外,有些配備了headphones的房間是較昂貴,故在選擇前要留意自己的喜好及需要!
Karaoke Soo for One
地址: 24 Jandari-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul
電話: +82-70-4145-3115
投幣式卡拉OK :Coin Karaoke
As more and more people find it hard to sing a full hour or two, the karaoke trend of Korea has resulted in the concept of coin karaokes. The way to use it is simple: search your pockets for change, insert the coins, and sing. As it is available around many places in Seoul in most game arcades, go and enjoy whenever in need.
Coin Karaoke Soo
地址:28 Wowsan-ro 21 Gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul / 1 Yonsei-ro 5-ga Gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul
卡拉OK Band :Live Band Ssaeng
We are quite used to going to karaokes and just sitting around while humming to our friends’ songs, waiting for our turns. At this special Karaoke, you don’t have the time to sit around because you are all in a band, which means you all have a part to play while someone is singing.
相信大部分人到卡拉OK房後,都習慣大家一起坐著、哼著朋友們所唱的歌曲,以及等著輪候到自己的大展歌喉的機會。但在這間特別的卡拉OK房中,你就不必呆呆地坐著,因為你是身處在一隊band中!這亦意味著當有人在唱歌時,你成為了其中一個band member。
This special karaoke has guitars, keyboards and drums all synched with each other. At the end of each song, the screen shows who has the best rhythmic talent among the crew.
It’s not just about the game though, because with all of the instruments combined, the whole team gets to make one harmonious song together. It’s no longer a karaoke, but a live band performance!
這裡還有結他、鍵盤及鼓等供同步演奏的樂器。當到了歌曲的尾聲部分,屏幕會顯示整隊人中表現得最好的樂器,故這不僅僅是一場遊戲。當配合所有樂器時,band的演出絕對有能力令到歌曲變得更和諧動聽!看來這不單止是唱卡拉OK,而是一場live band表演!
Live Band Ssaeng
地址: 78 Hongik-ro 6 Gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul
電話: +82-2-3143-1177
Website: livebandssaeng.com
See-through Karaoke :Luxury Karaoke Soo
As can be seen from the name, Karaoke Soo is well-known for its luxurious interiors. Among the many rooms, there are certain rooms that require you to be brace, since some rooms have see-through windows wide open to the public. This allows the people from outside to watch what you are doing inside. Do not be creeped out, for it is one of the most loved rooms of Soo – all with its duplex interior with both floors equipped with karaoke machines. On weekends you can see people rocking their nights in these rooms which may be the reason why so many people get lured into Karaoke Soo.
正如大家所看到的店名一樣,Karaoke Soo是以奢華的室內設計而著名的。在眾多的房間中,那裡有些是需要得到你的勇氣後才能挑選的。因它們的設計是全透視的落地窗戶,而且你的一舉一動都是公開著!這令到街上的人都知道你在裡面做什麼。但先不要起雞皮疙瘩, 因為它是在這間bar中最受歡迎的房間:其為雙層設計,並均配以完善的卡拉ok設備。在週末的晚上時,你可以看到裡面的人如何瘋狂地玩著唱著。相信這就是「Luxury Karaoke Soo」能成功吸引大家前來的原因。
Tips: There also is a drinking bar at a price of 1,000 won full of beverages, popcorn and ice cream.
Hf tips:這裡也有drinking bar,只需1000圜必能享用所有飲料、爆谷及雪糕。
Luxury Karaoke Soo
地址: 67 Eoulmadang-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul
電話: +82-2-322-3111
主題式的Karaoke :Karaoke Sweiri
If you are looking for that perfect date and want to show off your gorgeous voice, then this is where to be. With ten different themes from Egyptian theme to fairy tale themes, every room is adorned with decorations suited to its name. The place once went on air via the hit variety show Infinity Challenge in which HaHa enjoyed his time with a fan who broke up recently and sang songs to overcome the sorrow.
Karaoke Sweiri
地址: 29 Yonsei-ro 4 Gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul
電話: +82-2-393-5533