IT Girl: 游離於夢幻與真實之間,認識美國創作新星 Melanie Martinez - HOKK fabrica

IT Girl: 游離於夢幻與真實之間,認識美國創作新星 Melanie Martinez

HF Crewon June 29, 2016 at 12:13 am

美國知名的音樂節目《THE VOICE》,每年都聚集了一眾實力雄厚的素人歌手。通過多次的分隊競賽,最終選出冠軍寶座。在十一屆的比賽中,優勝者可得到唱片公司的合約,也意味著自己成功出道,如Jordan Smith,Danielle Bradbery及Craig Wayne Boyd等。不過,有的「比賽遺珠」同樣得到大眾賞識,更成功擠身歌手行列。這位21歲的美國歌手 Melanie Martinez,便成為了受注目的幸運兒。
Melanie Martinez THE VOICE hokk fabrica

Melanie Martinez THE VOICE hokk fabrica
Melanie Martinez THE VOICE hokk fabrica
Photos via ladygunn, melanie-martinez.wikia, azcentral, metrolyrics, instagram

在2012年,17歲的Melanie Martinez初踏上比賽舞台,更以一首改篇版的《Toxic》成功晉級。被選進為Maroon 5主唱Adam的隊內成員後,她亦有不少驕人的表現,可惜期後於六強止步。在被淘汰後,這位小女生沒有半分鬆懈,反而默默專注在音樂之上。


Throw out your dress and put on your dark faces
Everyone thinks that we’re perfect
Please don’t let them look through the curtains
Picture, picture, smile for the picture
Pose with your brother, won’t you be a good sister?


The single was written some time last year and the whole song is basically a double-meaning of how people view celebrities. People put them in glass boxes and think they are perfect and when something happens that shows when they are humans, people don’t like that.

Melanie Martinez THE VOICE hokk fabrica

Melanie Martinez THE VOICE hokk fabrica
Melanie Martinez THE VOICE hokk fabrica
Photos via chicagomusic, ninalorenz, jbtvmusic


I wanted to bring life into this character that is this nickname that I got called when I was a kid that was supposed to be an insult, but I wanted to turn it into a compliment and really show that even if you’re emotional you can still be strong.

Melanie Martinez THE VOICE hokk fabrica
Melanie Martinez THE VOICE hokk fabrica
Photos via blogspot,bellusmagazine

Melanie Martinez THE VOICE hokk fabrica

Melanie Martinez THE VOICE hokk fabrica
Melanie Martinez THE VOICE hokk fabrica
Photos via statusmagonline, pidgindoll, wattpad, metrolyrics, billboard


Melanie Martinez THE VOICE hokk fabrica
Photos via press.atlanticrecords, cliford417.deviantart

Reference: fuse.t, billboard, theaquarian, cbslocal, digitaljournal

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