

應該沒有人不認識Instagram吧?這個廣為全球喜愛的App,最近又有新搞作。對於熱愛用Instagram share自己藝術/文青一面的讀者,絕對是件好消息!就在上月月底,Instagram宣布開啟其官方音樂頻道,目標是希望能夠吸引更多音樂愛好者以及創作者加入使用Instagram的行列!(說真的,雖然差不多筆者認識的所有朋友,都已經是Instagram的忠實用戶了…)

這條全新推出的音樂頻道,將會以@ music作為官方創建帳號,只要用家在 Instagram上載的相片/影片輸入@music,相片/影片便會自動加入Instagram的音樂頻道中,非常方便!而@music頻道每個星期二至日,更會每天分享一位獨立音樂家,提供15秒的音樂試聽,旨在發掘更多具天分的音樂家!

Instagram的音樂編輯Alex Suskind表示:「我們希望可以從網絡上發掘更多優秀的藝術家,希望那些現時還未被廣大大眾認識的音樂人能夠在這裡,分享自己的音樂和故事,讓他們以自己獨特的方式表達自我!」


Writing a 15-second song seems simple enough: come up with a riff, play it for four bars, then finish. Still, it delivers its own unique challenge, one that Dawes (@dawestheband) lead singer Taylor Goldsmith was up for when he started sharing his own creations via the hashtag #songsjustforinstagram last year. “I liked the idea of doing these contained, melodic ideas that wouldn’t be found anywhere else,” he says. “Rather than just setting up a phone, playing piano or guitar and picking my favorite 15 seconds, I thought it was cooler to try to come up with an idea that started and ended in those 15 seconds.” This June, Dawes is going to spread the #songsjustforinstagram love to the world by releasing a special edition seven-inch vinyl of Taylor’s creations with the group’s new album “All Your Favorite Bands.” “We basically just put on as many as we could fit,” he says. Video by @dawestheband

A video posted by Instagram @music (@music) on


Photos courtesy of Instagram