聽過Hair Chalk沒有?韓國女星彩虹髮色的秘密,就是它! - HOKK fabrica

聽過Hair Chalk沒有?韓國女星彩虹髮色的秘密,就是它!

HF Crewon August 8, 2015 at 11:52 am

The hair trend of this summer has to be the bright colors. Instead of boring bleached hair, celebrities are following the high trend of coloring their hair with rainbow colors. And the good news is, you can be in fashion without getting a permanent dye with the help of hair chalks and manicures done at home!


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via naver

Tip #1: Hair Chalk

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via aliexpress.com

Hair chalks are colored chalks that are made for the hair that stays on the hair for one day when applied. They are available in all different shades.


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via bntnews

How To?

Step 1! After washing your hair, dry it half way and grab the hair chalk of your choice.


Step 2! Grab the part of your hair you want to color and apply the hair chalk as you slide it down your hair. Repeat this step if you want the color to stand out more. Wearing gloves is suggested.


Step 3! After it is all done, completely dry your hair with a blow-dryer or a curling iron.


Step 4! Use the hairspray to set everything in place so it stays beautiful throughout the day. It is best not to be used in rainy days or when wearing a white top because the colors may leave stains on clothes.



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via upimg

Hair chalks became most popular when Korean celebrities started using them to show off their own style. For instance, Girl’s Generation’s Sunny has been constantly changing her hair color with the use of hair chalks, evident in the group’s “I got a boy” album cover photo.

韓星們自從用這些染髮產品展示個人風格後,染色粉筆就變得越來越受歡迎。例如,少女時代成員Sunny就是一直用染色粉筆來變換髮色,從《I got a boy》專輯的封面照片就清楚可見。

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via naver

Another example is AOA Choa’s mint hair style. By carefully applying mint color in every section of her hair, she created a new fresh summer look. Go ahead and try it yourself!


Tip#2: Hair Manicure

via godohosting
via godohosting

Have you ever wanted to dye your hair red and it turned out to be reddish brown? Hair manicure will solve that problem! Hair manicure maintains the bright colors with shiny effects the hair dyes cannot replicate. The procedure is similar to self-hair dyes.

有沒有試過給自己頭髮染紅色但沒過多久就變成了紅棕色?美髮劑(Hair Manicure)就能解決這個問題!美髮劑維持鮮豔有光澤的顏色而這是普通染髮產品無法複製的。步驟與家用染髮產品差不多。

How to?

Step 1! To start off, use the shampoo to wash your hair. Do not use the conditioner or treatment at this point.


Step 2! Dry your hair with a towel until the water stops dripping.


Step 3! Wear the gloves and get a good amount of the hair manicure on your hands. Apply it on your hair and wait about five to fifteen minutes.


Step 4! Rinse without using any shampoo, conditioner, or treatment and let it dry. You will achieve a healthy, luminous hair color! Be careful when applying the product yourself because it might dye your skin as well.


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via hrising

Both products are easily found in Korean drugstore brands such as Olive Young and Boons. What’s stopping you from trying these now?

這兩樣產品在韓國藥妝店Olive YoungBoons就能找到,在線上也有許多選擇。現在,還有甚麼理由讓你拒絕這股染髮潮流呢?

Our Picks!

The Classics ~ HAIR CHALK 6 Colour Pack, HK$117.65, from ETSY
The Classics ~ HAIR CHALK 6 Colour Pack, HK$117.65, from ETSY
Pastel Shades Hair Chalks - 6 Pack, HK$159.24, from ETSY
Pastel Shades Hair Chalks – 6 Pack, HK$159.24, from ETSY
Warm Colored Hair Chalks - 4 Pack, HK$79.62, from ETSY
Warm Colored Hair Chalks – 4 Pack, HK$79.62, from ETSY


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