新加坡的Indian Goodness : 印度咖喱挑戰味蕾!
Singapore, well known for its diversity of race, is a home to a collage of communities, religions and cultures, made up of Chinese, Malays, Indians, Caucasians and Eurasians. Singapore has three major cultural towns: Little India, Arab Street and China Town. Here, we will guide you to the No.1 Indian restaurant in the hub of Little India, ‘ The Banana Leaf Apolo ’.
新加坡有出眾的民族多樣性,不同的社區、宗教和文化在這裡和諧共存,主要包括華人、馬來人、印度人、高加索人和歐亞人。新加坡有三個主要的文化聚集地:印度廟、阿拉伯街和中國城。小編今天帶你去印度廟區域首屈一指的印度餐廳 ‘The Banana Leaf Apolo’!
An area hosting the largest Indian community in Singapore, you would feel like India once you step out of the subway station. Located in the middle of buzzling Little India, you will soon find the most famous Indian restaurant in Little India, named ‘The Banana Leaf Apolo.’ It is named after the banana leaf since the restaurant serves food on a banana leaf, not on a plate, to keep the tradition going on. In fact, the traditional banana leaf is known to have medicinal value and enhances the taste and flavor of the meal.
作為新加坡最大的印度社區,你從地鐵站走出來,就仿佛置身印度。在小印度的中心,你很快就能找到這家印度餐廳 ‘The Banana Leaf Apolo’(香蕉葉阿波羅)。這家餐廳以香蕉葉命名是因為所有的事務都在香蕉葉上呈出,十分具有印度傳統特色。事實上,傳統香蕉葉有藥用價值,還可以為食物提味。
The restaurant specializes in the fish head curry and chicken masala with the naans. You will be able to indulge yourself in some authentic Indian cuisine and feel like you’re in India. The busy atmosphere and noise in the restaurant will spice up the local Indian vibe. For those vegetarians, specialized dishes are available.

One thing to watch out- Indian food makes you so much full, so watch how much you eat! They serve in generous portions here. A lot of Indians also visit this place, which is proof that the Banana Tree Apolo is a good value for the money. Do yourself a favor and eat Indian food where the locals eat!
HFoodies 告訴你: How to eat Indian-style?
01 入鄉隨俗,用右手吃吧(對,只用右手),吃前當然要洗手。
02 普遍菜式內都會有Roti、naan等的麵包或麵餅,記得不要光吃麵包,因為它是用來蘸東西吃的!
03 當飯菜用蕉葉盛載:在某些地區,如果你用餐完畢後把蕉葉往自己方向捲起,代表你滿意剛剛的一頓。反方向的話,就是不滿的意思。
04 跟華人一樣,印度人也非常著重分享文化。如果和朋友一起吃飯,別忘了跟對方分享食物。
The Banana Leaf Apolo
54 Race Course Road
Little India
Opening Hours: 10:30 till 22:30
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