最近,美國因為種族問題而鬧個不停,上週末又再有極右組織在波士頓發起「自由言論」集會,其間又再與反種族主義、反對仇恨言論的抗議人群發生衝突。通用汽車(General Motors)的首席執行長Mary T. Barra在一份聲明中表示,最近的事件和後續處理都顯示我們作為一個國家需要團結起來,需要聚集起來共同對抗那些分裂我們的價值觀。
+延伸閱讀|In The News:她不是想爭鬥,她只想和平,一名32歲女性在美國弗吉尼亞州的集會中死亡
對於接連兩週的大規模種族衝突,不少企業亦公開發表了對於種族主義的立場。自通用汽車的聲明,作為另一個擁有強大聲音的時尚行業,時尚品牌也相繼在Business of Fashion中分享了他們的想法。
Today with almost 25,000 employees all over the world, we all share the same vision by accepting and celebrating our unique diversity and equality. These are not just American values, but the values of all good people seeking an authentic way of life for themselves and their families.
─ Ralph Lauren
Coach and the city and country that we call home are founded on principles of inclusivity and diversity. Our 20,000 team members in 35 countries across the world stand together against racism, bigotry and hatred.
─ Victor Luis,Coach Inc.
We strongly believe that we must celebrate our country’s core values of inclusion, unity and respect for each other. Our diversity – and acceptance – is our strength and what makes America beautiful…
─ Tory Burch
When it comes to policy, nonviolent and peaceful demonstrations are the only acceptable method of protest in any free country. Any acts of violence and hate-filled speeches cannot be tolerated.
As a global family we will continue to stand together against intolerance and prejudice in all forms, whether due to race, religion, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation.
─ Emanuel Chirico, PVH Corp
I too feel it’s very important that artists and creatives respond to their surroundings they feel most passionate about. The events in Charlottesville are very jarring.For me as a creative I can say it’s having an effect on how I see the world which subsequently will affect future collections.
─ Virgil Abloh, Off-White
Nike has always stood up against and unequivocally rejected hatred and bigotry. We have declared time and again that Nike stands for helping all people achieve their highest potential, with a focus on equality. What happened in Charlottesville isn’t just morally shameful; it goes against everything we stand for.
─ Mark Parker, Nike Inc.
+延伸閱讀|Off-white :你看到的或許只是「潮牌」二字,他看到的卻是人性和公民責任
What happened in Charlottesville was a despicable act of terrorism in America. We need to do everything in our power to take down White Supremacy, Neo Nazis and Fascist behavior and ideology. This is every Americans duty. Everyone in every industry that has a voice should speak out against this and understand and support the importance of Black Lives Matter.
─ Humberto Leon, Opening Ceromony/Kenzo
+延伸閱讀|Style News:KENZO 剛舉辦了SS18時裝展,起用83名亞洲模特
Cover image via instagram/@toryburch
22 August 2017, 12:00 PM
HOKK fabrica
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