Decoding Love Letter:
帶領風雨飄搖的英國渡過第二次世界大戰、倫敦大轟炸等嚴峻時刻,邱吉爾(Winston Churchill)被冠上「戰爭終結者」的稱號。這位傑出演說家(儘管他的聲音語調不太動聽)、獲諾貝爾文學獎的作家,還有2002年榮登最偉大的英國人之首的英國首相,在愛情的世界裏,卻也不過是個浪漫深情的男人。
他的情書,洋溢著對夫人克萊門汀(Clementine Churchill)濃濃的愛意。
在電影《黑暗對峙》(Darkest Hour)中,正當邱吉爾面對三十萬英國遠征軍在鄧寇克面對納粹鐵蹄四面圍攻、英國人民憂心虛怯,內心掙扎不已、自我不斷懷疑之際,這樣的一幕讓筆者的印象極為深刻──克萊門汀向他說了這一席話:
(譯:You are strong because you are imperfect. You are wise because you have doubts.)
她的鼓勵或多或少讓邱吉爾振奮不已,勇敢戰勝自己的憂慮與絕望,讓一道曙光照進心坎,才有了之後振奮人心的誓言,才有了之後奇蹟般的「鄧寇克之戰」,「我們絕不投降」(We shall never surrender)一句彷佛在耳畔不斷迴響。
克萊門汀在電影中擔當著賢內助的角色──在邱吉爾迷惘時激勵他、在邱吉爾發怒暴躁時安撫他,還有在政治上給予建議和協助等。這麼一個無畏無懼、能幹得體的形象與歷史上的她十分貼近,幫助邱吉爾化解不少政治危機、陪伴身患躁鬱症的他渡過第二次世界大戰等艱鉅時刻──邱吉爾形容,她讓他的人生與工作從不可能變成可能(She had made my life & any work I have done possible)。
[12 August 1908] Blenheim Palace
My dearest,
How are you? I send you my best love to salute you: & I am getting up at once in order if you like to walk to the rose garden after breakfast & pick a bunch before you start. You will have to leave here about 10:30 & I will come with you to Oxford.
Shall I not give you a letter for your Mother?
15 September 1909 Kronprinz Hotel
My darling, We have been out all day watching these great manoeuvres….
I have a very nice horse from the Emperor’s stable, & am able to ride about wherever I chose with a suitable retinue. As I am supposed to be an ‘Excellency’ I get a vy good place. Freddie on the other hand is ill-used. These people are so amazingly routinière that anything the least out of the ordinary – anything they have not considered officially & for months–upsets them dreadfully…I saw the Emperor today & had a few mintues’ talk with him. He is vy sallow–but otherwise looks quite well…….
We have had a banquet tonight at the Bavarian palace. A crowd of princes & princelets & the foreign officers of various countries. It began at 6 p.m. & was extremely dull…..
This army is a terrible engine. It marches sometimes 35 miles in a day. It is in number as the sands of the sea & with all the modern conveniences. There is a complete divorce between the two sides of German life-the Imperialists & Socialist. Nothing unites them. They are two different nations. With us there are so many shades. Here it is all black & white (the Prussian colours). I think another 50 years will see a wiser & gentler world. But we shall not be spectators of it. Only the P.K. will glitter in a happier scene. How easily men could make things much better than they are-if only all tried together! Much as was attracts me & fascinates my mind with its tremendous situation-I feel more deeply every year & can measure the feeling here in the midst of arms-what vile & wicked folly & barbarism it all is.
Sweet cat-I kiss your vision as it rises before my mind. Your dear heard throbs often in my own. God bless you darling keep you safe & sound.
Kiss the P.K. for me all over
With fondest love
This is the galloping pug–for European travel.
Do not grieve for me too much. I am a spirit confident of my rights. Death is only an incident & not the most important which happens to us in this state of being. On the whole, especially since I met you my darling I have been happy, & you have taught me how noble a woman’s heart can be. If there is anywhere else I shall be on the lookout for you. Meanwhile look forward, feel free, rejoice in life, cherish the children, guard my memory. God bless you.
Good bye.
邱吉爾有過不少人生低潮,像第一次世界大戰中付出了沈重代價的達達尼爾海峽海軍計劃後,決策失敗後的他仕途失意,毅然辭去了公爵郡大臣一職,自願遠赴法國西部前線佛蘭德斯(Flanders)參與戰事。離開之前,他向克萊門汀寫了這麼一封訣別信,讓人悲慟不已。視死如歸般的他將所有身後財產囑咐給她,在信中他更用溫柔的文字安慰:「別為我的離去悲痛不已──死亡不過是我們現在身處這個時代裏一件偶然的事,並非最重要的事情。」(Do not grieve for me too much. I am a spirit confident of my rights. Death is only an incident & not the most important which happens to us in this state of being.),他形容,遇見克萊門汀後,他的世界像燃起了燈火般明亮起來。她讓他明白女性的心靈那樣高貴。
(I cannot tell you what pleasure this gave me, because I always feel so overwhelmingly in your debt, if there can be accounts in love…What it has been to me to live all these years in your heart and companionship no phrases can convey.)
First Lady: The Life and Wars of Clementine Churchill by Sonia Purnell
Winston and Clementine: The Personal Letters of the Churchills by Mary Soames
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