
Oroton 2014/15秋冬系列预告

HOKK fabrica 上周有幸一睹澳洲品牌Oroton 2014/15秋冬系列,在金钟的奕居中度过了赏心悦目的下午。第一季(七月至九月)主攻自然色调,包包以不同深浅的褐色丶蓝色和绿色示人,其中萤光青色更令人眼前一亮,感觉清新。受凯特王妃宠爱的Odeion再次归来,换上一身翡翠绿。我们特别喜欢牛皮鳄鱼压纹手袋(1938 Texture Medium Barrel),为1938年经典款色加上一点新意。笔者锺情於Journey系列中的手提包,旅游时一定会派上用场。

From top left: 1938 Texture Medium Barrel Bag in Real White, Odeion Clutch in Aloe, Aloe Mini Bag in Tan From bottom left: Bueno Clutch Bag in Lime Sherbet, Journey Tote in Black, Journey Satchel in Tan

From top left: 1938 Texture Medium Barrel Bag in Real White, Odeion Clutch in Aloe, Aloe Mini Bag in Tan
From bottom left: Bueno Clutch Bag in Lime Sherbet, Journey Tote in Black, Journey Satchel in Tan

第二季(十月至十二月)加入鲜艳的色调如鲜红丶紫红丶珊瑚等等,为严寒的冬季添加一点活力。HOKK fabrica建议涂上色调类似的唇膏,打造玩味造型。笔者心仪Entourage ToteMétier iPad ,前者令人想起同样简单实用的Long Champ手袋,後者应该是一个不错的晚装clutch。

From top left: 1938 Tote in Vivid Red, Freize Clutch in Light Gold, Entourage Tote in Spiced Coral From bottom left: iPad Clutch in Royal Blue, Mini Across Body Bag in Watermelon, Medium Tote in Purple Berry. All from the Métier collection.

From top left: 1938 Tote in Vivid Red, Freize Clutch in Light Gold, Entourage Tote in Spiced Coral
From bottom left: iPad Clutch in Royal Blue, Mini Across Body Bag in Watermelon, Medium Tote in Purple Berry. All from the Métier collection.

蟾宫大厦地下Shop 9
+852 2866 6580
