Meeting Naomi:专访这位自信丶美丽的大码模特儿

记得Hf早前介绍过的十位大码模特儿吗? 笔者被最後一位模特儿Naomi Shimada 脸上的笑容深深吸引,於是找来这位自信丶美丽,现定居於纽约的日英混血儿,亲身与Hf 读者分享她成为模特儿之路丶时尚爱好,以及她对「美丽」的看法。

N: Naomi Shimada | Hf: HOKK fabrica

Beauty is looking comfortable in your own skin and working with what we’ve been given in this world!

plus size model, naomi shimada, model,japanese, japanese model,strong,interviews,naomi model

My Formula

joyful   x   loving   +   always hungry   -   cheeky   = Me

( 快乐 x  充满爱 +  时常肚饿 –   厚面皮 = 我)

Hf:Fill us in with your background.

N: I was born in Tokyo to a Japanese father and an English/Dutch mother! I lived there till I was a teenager then moved to Spain where I lived till I finished school! I lived in London after that and have been in NYC for 2 years now!

plus size model, naomi shimada, model,japanese, japanese model,strong,interviews,naomi model plus size model, naomi shimada, model,japanese, japanese model,strong,interviews,naomi model

On Modelling

I was always on the bigger end of the scale and couldn’t lose the weight in any healthy way as my body was exactly how it was supposed to be.


Hf:How did you become a model?

N:I started modelling as a kid in Japan, but really got ‘discovered’ as a teenager in Spain eating a bowl of spaghetti! Nothing’s changed after all these years!

plus size model, naomi shimada, model,japanese, japanese model,strong,interviews,naomi model

Hf:What were some of the challenges you faced in the modelling industry?

N:I was only the right ‘model size’ when I was an actual skinny teenager. I was always on the bigger end of the scale and couldn’t lose the weight in any healthy way as my body was exactly how it was supposed to be. I got sent home from jobs and bullied by my agents. Made me a nervous wreck and one day I just woke up and realized I didn’t have to live like that anymore. So I took a break and when I came back and made the necessary changes, I crossed over to the plus size world.
中:当我仍然是一名瘦削的青少年,那时的我才称得上是所谓的「正确码数」。 我骨架一向都是比较大,我试过用很多健康的方法减肥但不成功,因为我的身体本就是如此。我丧失工作机会,被经理人欺凌, 令我精神崩溃。直至有一天醒来,我发现其实我可以不再这样生活!我让自己放假,当我再次回来的时候,我作出了一些调整然後便进入了大码的世界。

plus size model, naomi shimada, model,japanese, japanese model,strong,interviews,naomi model

Hf:When you’re not modeling, what would you be doing?

N:Working on my travel TV show which is my other project right now! Curating my girl power magazine with my friends! I’d also like to work on a great quality fashion line that could be made in a wide range of sizes. WATCH THIS SPACE!
中:我会专注搞我的电视旅游节目,这是我目前的另一个项目!或者与朋友搞 女性杂志。我有兴趣发展一系列高质丶码数范围较阔的时装,请密切留意呢!

On Beauty & Body Image

It’s not always easy to accept yourself for exactly who or how you are and even the most ‘confident’ girls have good days and bad but you have to be kind to yourself.

Hf:What is your definition of beauty?

N:Beauty is looking comfortable in your own skin and working with what we’ve been given in this world! Why do we all want to look the same? I definitely don’t want to look like everyone else! It’s hard to not feel like you need to conform in this world but if you believe it everyone else will too.
中:美丽是能够在自己最自然的状态下仍然感到舒服,以及好好运用上天所赐予你的东西。为甚麽大家会想外貌一模一样? 我就不想跟别人外貌一模一样了!我知道要告诉自己不应顺应社会是很难的,但若果你相信自己其实可以不跟从社会的话,其他人亦会相信。

plus size model, naomi shimada, model,japanese, japanese model,strong,interviews,naomi model

Hf:What you think of the term ‘plus size’?  Is it a word fair enough to represent who it’s representing?

N:Plus size in modelling is an industry term. In modeling, plus size is anything that isn’t a skinny skinny model so I understand that it causes some confusion and frustration. We are just plus compared to the other girls.

Hf:Was size an issue to you whilst you grew up? How did you dealt with fattists?
中:在成长的过程中,码数是不是一个经常困难你的问题? 面对那些歧视肥人的人,你会怎样处理?

N:Growing up in Asia I’ve always known that a fattist culture existed. I was taller and bigger than all the other kids in my class! Even the boys ha! Sometimes even family members would say the most hurtful things about my appearance not knowing how painful it sounded to me. But my parents were so cool and loving they made me comfortable in my skin from an early age just by showing me that there were so many different kinds of ways to be beautiful.

plus size model, naomi shimada, model,japanese, japanese model,strong,interviews,naomi model

Hf:What advice would you give women who are still coming to terms with their own body image?

N:It’s not always easy to accept yourself for exactly who or how you are and even the most ‘confident’ girls have good days and bad but you have to be kind to yourself. The human body is such a magical powerful tool and we have to treat it and our minds right. If we don’t love and accept ourselves, we can’t expect anyone else too. I’m not saying it happens over night, all we can do is do our best and take baby steps into a better future of self-acceptance and love.

On Fashion

Everyday StyleI am a loyal Issey Miyake Pleats Please obsessive. I start with something from them as a base, skirt, dress, trousers and add from there! They go up to a good size and everything is elasticated! I hate being uncomfortable!

我是三宅一生「Pleats Please」的忠实拥趸。我会以他的设计作为基础──半截裙丶连身裙丶长裤等等,然後加入其他单品。三宅一生的衣服码数多,而且所有衣服都是有弹性的!我讨厌令我不舒服的时装!

Fashion mustBright colours and a big smile!!!

Fashion no-noBig waist belts on dresses, for me it’s a real pet HATE! Just let the waist be!

plus size model, naomi shimada, model,japanese, japanese model,strong,interviews,naomi model

Fall Cravings

Wardrobe: My metallic velvet puffer jacket from TOPSHOP Unique to stay warm in these cold climates here in NY!
我的金属色TOPSHOP Unique天鹅绒外套为我在纽约寒冬保暖!

Food: Been throwing soup parties at my house once a week!

Desserts: Flourless almond cake with cherries!

Colours: Orange, blue and pink (I wear as much colours as possible year round!)

Patterns: cow print and camouflage anything!

Books: Bad Feminist by Roxanne Gay, Naomi by Junichiro Tanizaki, Role Models, John Water

Activities: Ballet and arts & crafts!

想了解Naomi 更多,可以关注她的网站和Instagram呢!

Instagram: naomishimada
Photo courtesy of Naomi Shimada
