A visual designer living on the sunny side of the planet.
晴朗不只是一個用來形容天氣的詞語,對希臘藝術家Charis Tsevis來說,它更是一種生活態度;就算不如意的事如狂風暴雨般襲來,避無可避,誓要把你吹得東歪西倒,不過只要心中升起和暖的太陽,那點點雨水又算得上甚麼?
在Charis的Endless Summer系列裡,他用了30到70年代末的廣告,拼湊了復古懷舊的海灘場景;人們與三五知己嬉戲,喝著雜果飲料。我們總懷念著過去,難道以前的時光真的更美好、現在又真的如此惡劣嗎?Charis說,可能只是因為人們習慣忘記過去的悲傷,選擇性地記住自己喜歡的回憶;你又怎麼知道,下一個夏天不美麗?
Charis一開始會手工作畫,但後來選擇了以電腦代勞,用軟件拼砌馬賽克作品。感覺有分別嗎?Charis說:「我相信媒介之間是沒有差別的,腦裡的創作過程也是一樣的。」(I believe that there is no real difference between the mediums. The brain process is the same.)
25年前的Charis已開始對細節感興趣,他說,小時候叔叔會用點畫裝飾著房子,這種複雜的藝術充斥每一個角落,接觸馬賽克拼貼後, Charis 更是不能自拔。
除了Endless Summer,Charis另一個奪目的系列,就是為雜誌Womankind繪製的封面。三年來的每一個封面都描繪了來自世界各地的女性,有來自意大利、越南、阿根廷或牙買加的,也有Frida Kahlo、女權主義者Simone de Beauvoir的肖像。熱愛不同文化傳統的Charis坦言他非常享受這次創作,也從中參透到人的異同:
I started by enjoying the differences, the new ideas I could discover as I was travelling the world. But the more I study different cultures the more I see similarities. All human beings are created equal with the same needs and emotions.
The greens that my Latin American co-students were using were so rich that I couldn’t believe they existent before. The pale pinks and cyans of the Japanese or the Koreans were incredible rich. The warmness of the yellows and the reds of the Chinese were to be studied as a separated subject.
Quick Questions with Charis Tsevis
最喜歡的書:有很多,我會選擇George Orwell的《1984》,但Mario Benedetti的《La tregua》和Mario Vichi的《Perché Dollari》也在我的書單裡。
最喜歡的藝術家:Bruno Munari、Jeff Koons
最近在聽的歌:Duke Dumont的《Ocean Drive》
Video via Youtube/ DukeDumontVEVO
你的藝術理論:Futurism, Cubism, Pop with a lot of mathematical influence. Cyberculture and digital art as democracy in action.(譯:未來主義、立體主義、普普和數學的影響,還有網絡文化和數碼藝術。)
如果能回到5年前,會跟自己說的話:Do more mistakes. Take even more risks. It’s OK.(譯:犯多些錯誤,冒更多險吧!沒事的。)
Follow Charis on his website and Instagram.
Photos courtesy of the interviewee
14 September 2017, 12:00 AM
HOKK fabrica
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