
Love Yourself:5句來自南非性感女神Charlize Theron的智慧話語

Charlize Theron(查理絲花朗)這個名字,相信大家都不感到陌生,就算沒有聽過她的大名,你也必從時尚品牌Dior的香水廣告中見過她的女神造型,又或者在剛剛上映的電影《獵神:魔雪叛變》中見過飾演暗黑皇后的她。這位40歲來自南非的金像獎演員風姿綽約,一舉手一投足總是散發著一股成熟而性感的韻味,以下是5句來自Charlize Theron的話語,一起聽聽她對於女人的事業、自身和人生有甚麼看法吧。

On Career

Charlize Theron quote語錄hokk fabrica

Collage by Cyan F/HOKK fabrica

Something I learned very early on in my career is that there are a lot of things that you do not have any power over.


On Challenges

Charlize Theron quote語錄hokk fabrica

Collage by Cyan F/HOKK fabrica

I don’t think you can create anything interesting from a comfort zone. You have to work from a place of fear and failure.


On Ageism

Charlize Theron quote語錄hokk fabrica

Collage by Cyan F/HOKK fabrica

It would be a lie to say there is less worry for women as they get older than there is for men. It feels there’s this unrealistic standard of what a woman is supposed to look like when she’s over 40.


On Life

Charlize Theron quote語錄hokk fabrica

Collage by Cyan F/HOKK fabrica

Life is dark. We live in a very dark world. When they call them ‘dark films’ it annoys me, because they’re very real stories. They’re stories I have seen or experienced or witnessed, and coming from that place, that is the hope of humanity.


On Self

Charlize Theron quote語錄hokk fabrica

Collage by Cyan F/HOKK fabrica

I am human, and, yeah, I have very bad days.



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