
K-Travel: 只看劇不過癮?這些首爾小店可以圓你的復古夢!

The popularity of Korean television drama series Reply 1988 was enough to remind us of those good ol’ days, especially those who born in the 80s. Reply 1988 (응답하라 1988) is one of the Reply series along with Reply 1997 (응답하라 1997) and Reply 1994 (응답하라 1994), and each represents the typical reflection of ordinary Korean families and friends in the respective year.

請回答1988韓國首爾咖啡店hokk fabrica

請回答1988韓國首爾咖啡店hokk fabrica

Park Bogum, Hyeri, via YouTube/ Screen Capture

請回答1988韓國首爾咖啡店hokk fabrica

《請回答1988》中的經典遊戲, via mlbpark.donga.com

請回答1988韓國首爾咖啡店hokk fabrica

1980年代的韓國大學生, via kcqny.org

Because of such drama series, retro styled bars, cafés and restaurants are now in the spotlight. Hf will now introduce some places where you can feel the retro vibe and set yourself back to the 1980s.


Retro Café Trader (레트로카페 트레이더)

請回答1988韓國首爾咖啡店hokk fabrica

Via Instagram/the_kyeon_

One thing about the thirst for 1980s and early 1990s is that students were relatively free from academic stresses compared to kids nowadays. Young children would go play games together rather than attend private academies after school. In the scenes of Reply 1988 appears a scene where a male character plays the arcade game “Bubble Bubble” which results into a cat fight with elementary school kids.

Retro Café Trader把曾經的這些遊戲帶到了現代,整間店就像是個遊戲廳,到處是各種80年代及90年代人人都玩的經典遊戲,比如任天堂掌上遊戲機、MSX、紅白機、任天堂64、世嘉五代等等。這間店非常好找,從首爾南部巴士總站三號出口一出來就到了。

請回答1988韓國首爾咖啡店hokk fabrica

Via Instagram/yoon_111126

請回答1988韓國首爾咖啡店hokk fabrica

Via Instagram/hyejin0726

請回答1988韓國首爾咖啡店hokk fabrica

Via Instagram/ps8283

請回答1988韓國首爾咖啡店hokk fabrica

Via Instagram/90_1005

Retro Café Trader brings those arcade scenes to modernity by decorating itself as a game café, full of classic games from 80s and 90s anyone can play with, such as Gameboy, MSX, Famicom, Nintendo 64, Mega drive and more. It is easily accessible from exit number 3 of Nambu Bus Terminal Station.


請回答1988韓國首爾咖啡店hokk fabrica

Via Instagram/yamyam_eat4

請回答1988韓國首爾咖啡店hokk fabrica

Via Instagram/ye0206

請回答1988韓國首爾咖啡店hokk fabrica

Via Instagram/imhyangmi

地址: 2nd floor, 316-1, Hyoryeong-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul (서울 서초구 효령로 316-1, 2층)
營業時間:每天11:00 – 22:00
電話:+82 70 8807 6910
價錢:HKD 25-35 (4000-5000 KRW)
*Games are free to play, not purchasable.

On ne Sait Jamais (옹느세자매)

請回答1988韓國首爾咖啡店hokk fabrica

Via Instagram/on_ne_sait_jamais

“On ne Sait Jamais” means “you never know (what will happen in your life).” It is a café located near Itaewon that took cues from the old-style Korean public baths. In Reply 1988, the male character sheds tears as he witnesses his own mother cleaning up the public bath tub to make more money, which is a scene that highlights their struggle from poverty. Yet, the café itself is rather lightened up. The café is already famous among Koreans not only for its unique interior but for its tasty desserts.

「On ne Sait Jamais」意思是「你永遠不知道未來會發生什麼」。這是一間位於首爾梨泰院附近的咖啡館的名字,它們將韓國傳統公共澡堂作為設計靈感。在《請回答1988》中,一個男性角色在看到自己母親清潔澡堂公共浴缸時落下了眼淚,這也反映了他們為努力擺脫貧困所做的掙扎。不過咖啡館的氛圍當然就輕鬆愉快得多啦,它們家出名的不僅是獨特的內部設計,還有各種美味的甜點。

請回答1988韓國首爾咖啡店hokk fabrica

Via Instagram/limchicc

請回答1988韓國首爾咖啡店hokk fabrica

Via Instagram/banyoonhee

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請回答1988韓國首爾咖啡店hokk fabrica

Via Instagram/on_ne_sait_jamais

地址: 51, Itaewon-ro 54-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul (서울시 용산구 이태원로54길 51)
營業時間:11:00 ~ 22:00 (Closed on Mondays)
電話: +82 2 794 3446

Blue Monday (블루먼데이)

請回答1988韓國首爾咖啡店hokk fabrica

Via Instagram/eugene_c46

Located in the the youthful and artsy district Daehak-ro, Blue Monday is a LP (long-playing) record bar and yes, it really does have those huge black plates spinning around on the record players. In Reply 1988, the male character’s family owns a wonderful turntable record player.

這間名叫Blue Monday的店位於富有年輕朝氣和藝術氣息的首爾大學路,是間以密紋黑膠唱片為主題的酒吧,這間店裡真的有那種旋轉在唱片機里的大黑膠唱片哦。在《請回答1988》中,一個男性角色家中就有一台很棒的轉動式黑膠唱片機。

請回答1988韓國首爾咖啡店hokk fabrica

Via Instagram/lk_jin

Surprisingly, after the episode was on air, some stores started to sell record players again as quite a number of people started to stock it up as home decoration items. Apart from their fabulous eateries and drinks, Blue Monday bar has a good taste in music choices. When you are lucky, you might be able to listen to LP versions of famous K-pop oldies such as songs from H.O.T., or classic widely-known old pop. Note that the bar receives music recommendations as well.

不過最令人驚奇的是,這集電視劇一經播出,很多人就想買黑膠唱片機作為家裡的裝飾,不少商店也因此開始售賣黑膠唱片機。Blue Monday不僅有美味的食物和飲料,他們選擇播放的音樂也都頗有品味。你也許會有幸聽到韓國經典流行樂團H.O.T的黑膠唱片版歌曲,或是其他一些曾經很流行的老歌。另外還要告訴你非常重要的一點:這家店也接受顧客推薦的音樂哦。
請回答1988韓國首爾咖啡店hokk fabrica

請回答1988韓國首爾咖啡店hokk fabrica 請回答1988韓國首爾咖啡店hokk fabrica
請回答1988韓國首爾咖啡店hokk fabrica

Via Instagram/Blue Monday

地址: B1 floor, 22, Daehak-ro 11-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul (서울시 종로구 대학로11길 22 지하 2층)
電話:+82 11 9247 7117


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