Saffa Khan獨愛三原色。在她的世界裡,沒有任何東西比三原色更吸引。15歲在慈善商店發現第一部菲林相機、中學時偷偷走進黑房曬相,這位22歲巴基斯坦插畫家兼視覺藝術家的生活自少女時代開始便離不開傻瓜機和35mm底片。
The feeling regarding not entirely knowing what I have captured or how the images might appear and change through developmental process is something that pleases me greatly.
現居於英國曼徹斯特的Saffa Khan這次透過菲林攝影帶著Hf到她附近的公園、書店逛逛,了解她平時的生活。從照片和Instagram可見,Saffa Khan對三原色有種不能自拔的喜愛,凡是三原色的東西都十分喜歡,而且一定要將它們拍下來。她自己的創作,包括插畫、Zines等小型刊物,很多時都是以三原色做主題色。
It’s 8:30 am & today is a big workday as I’m finishing off my final projects and making sure all of the work is submitted on time. This is my bedroom studio.
她拍攝的原則很簡單:隨心。這個原則可見於她發起的標籤#feelingsonfilm, 只要感覺對,看見喜歡的構圖,她就會按下快門,將她喜歡的物件如巴士座位上的圖案、茉莉花、手部動作等拍下來。當她不在拍攝時,她喜歡研究孔版油印(risograph)、立體書、聽電子音樂、策展、與其他藝術家合作和搞社區工作坊。
It’s in the afternoon and I’m off for a bike ride as the sun’s out & it feels like Summer, which is the perfect time for some shadow play.
I love people watching so often I sit on this bench, observe and draw. I am also in love with the primary coloured fence.
It’s time to find some gems in my favourite little bookshop in Manchester & the owner often plays Yann Tiersen/Amelie’s soundtrack in the shop.
無論是攝影、插畫還是刊物,Saffa Khan形容自己的創作流露很強的「記錄、自傳和日記式」特質,她述說的從不只是自己的經驗,而是跟她背景相似的女生的經驗,這亦是她創作的一大目標。
Diversifying the illustration field/art world in general is something that I aim to contribute towards. Through the narrative approach within my work, I want the content that I create to able to tell stories of women of colour and the issues they face, whether it’s in terms of mental health, conflicting with faith or embracing their identity or sexuality.
It’s 19:30pm, you can see the sunset from my kitchen window & I get to play with my shadow again.
Learn more about Saffa Khan on her website and Instagram
Photo courtesy of Saffa Khan
28 May 2017, 12:00 AM
HOKK fabrica
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