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wearable art, fashion show,WOW


World of WearableArt Awards Show – WOW® Montage

紐西蘭World of WearableArt & Classic Cars Museum (WOW)每年九月都會在首都威靈頓舉辦一個長達兩小時的時裝秀,吸引數以萬計的觀眾前來觀看。一連兩星期的時裝秀在上週四開始了,直至10月2日止。它有別於傳統的時裝秀, 反而比較像水舞間這類感官豐富、結合舞蹈、音效和戲劇成分的多媒體表演。其他月份,博物館照常開放展出得獎的時裝作品,每年四月和十一月更新展品。香港和台灣的朋友不用愁,讓我們現看看最近9月26日World of WearableArt show的作品先睹為快,下次去紐西蘭旅遊的時候,不妨到此一遊,驚歎時裝的多變與創意。

wearable art, fashion show,WOW

‘Sulpur Crested Frockatoo’ by Emily Valentine Bullock

wearable art, fashion show,WOW

‘The Secret of the Golden Flower’ by Joanna Peacock of the United Kingdom

wearable art, fashion show,WOW

Bizzare bras at the World of WearableArt show

wearable art, fashion show,WOW

‘Fenced Off’ by Luiz Fernando Sereno Penna & ‘Gothic Habit’ by Lynn Christiansen of USA

wearable art, fashion show,WOW

‘Colorless Rhythm’ by Tiel Janssen of the Netherlands

wearable art, fashion show,WOW

‘Buttercup Buttercup’ by Paula Rowan of New Zealand

wearable art, fashion show,WOW

‘Belle of the Ball’ by Lisa Vanin of New Zealand

Purchase tickets of the show at worldofwearableart.com/tickets/ , with prices ranging from AU$50 – 165

Photos via ABC news

Feature image via new.widmi.com