Style Profile: 讓人臉紅心跳的18禁內衣!認識澳洲新晉品牌 Teale Coco -

Style Profile: 讓人臉紅心跳的18禁內衣!認識澳洲新晉品牌 Teale Coco

HF Crewon September 5, 2016 at 11:43 am

內衣,私密而神秘的必需品。即使你偏愛某種穿搭風格,但對於內衣的取向,又可能存在著反差感。若自問對性感挑逗的款式情有獨鐘,那澳洲品牌 Teale Coco 必定能滿足你的慾望。據說,連荷里活名人FKA Twigs、 Skrillex 、Azealia Banks 及 Christy Mack也是粉絲之一!
Teale Coco shop australia fashion hokk fabrica

Teale Coco shop australia fashion hokk fabrica

Teale Coco shop australia fashion hokk fabrica
Photos via tealecoco,id, instagram, facebook

Teale Coco,一位年輕的澳洲設計師、攝影師及模特兒。充滿個性感的她,竟然設計出如此大膽性感的內衣及馬具(指繫在身上的繩子)。但在開設個人品牌前,Teale是主修攝影學士學位的,更喜歡拍攝肖像相。此外,她更是位裁縫達人,每當有空便會縫製不同的服飾單品。看似文靜的她,在畢業後卻走上模特兒之路。

不過,Teale自知不適合做模特兒,更認為工作時缺乏精神的推動力:「About a year or two into it I realized [modeling] was not mentally stimulating enough on its own, and I needed to have something else in my life.」遊走在新西蘭,韓國和日本等地的Teale,決定尋找新的方向。
Teale Coco shop australia fashion hokk fabrica

Teale Coco shop australia fashion hokk fabrica
Photos via instagram


I wanted to transition the fetish and fashion together, to make accessories and clothing that looked fetish-y but were more wearable and stylized.

Teale Coco shop australia fashion hokk fabrica

Teale Coco shop australia fashion hokk fabrica

Teale Coco shop australia fashion hokk fabrica

Teale Coco shop australia fashion hokk fabrica
Photos via facebook, instagram

看過品牌Teale Coco的產品照,相信也會有種臉紅心跳感吧。如此性感的18禁設計,在模特兒身上完美展露出來!或許你會以為Teale以此為噱頭,希望吸引更多買家。相反,品牌是旨在解放女生身體,並希望賦予女生勇氣。

在現今社會,女生總讓尺寸主導身體,更強迫自己瘦身來鍛練線條。在Teala的角度,這種錯誤的觀念已默默地正常化。眼見情況愈來愈惡劣,她希望對抗這種思想,以宣揚擁抱自己身體的正面訊息。比起誘惑的設計,Teala更側重於身體形象之上。她希望穿上Teale Coco的女生,能變得更強大和性感。即使你的身材外貌是如何,每個人都是獨特而美麗。

People feel empowered and sexy no matter what shape and size wearing my designs and that is all I could ask for.

Teale Coco shop australia fashion hokk fabrica

Teale Coco shop australia fashion hokk fabrica
Photos via instagram, facebook


It’s all about that confidence, It’s being secure about who you are, and your body, and not letting anyone interfere with that.

Teale Coco shop australia fashion hokk fabrica
Photo via tealecoco

Reference: vogue, i-d.vice