Social Sunday #16: 千萬不要錯過這5個韓國名人Instagram啊!
Lee Sung Kyoung
A famous Korean model/actress, Lee Sung Kyoung’s instagram consists of not only her selfies, but also photo shoots of her modeling, acting, food, beautiful scenery of where she’s shooting and other celebrities who are working with her (and recently it seems she has taken up a hobby of uploading pictures of her new cat-“boy”). Because she started out as a model, quite a lot of her photos show styles that are funky and quite fashionable. If interested, take a peek!

Stephanie Lee
Also a Korean model/actress who became famous through the advertisement of Neutrogena product and currently on-air drama Yongpalee featuring Juwon and Kim Taehee, Stephanie has a fun-to-look-at instagram. Not only does she pose like a proper model, but also goes out of the norm. Because her pictures usually take on a different pose or a face expression, it is quite fun to look at her account. Also, she sometimes posts random short videos such as her stunt moves, make-up videos.

Do Sang Woo
Speaking of Korean model/actresses, here’s another famous Korean model/actor, Do Sang Woo. He starred in drama It’s Okay, it’s Love featuring Cho In Sung and Gong Hyo Jin. His Instagram is what one might call a ‘epitome of a model’s Instagram,’ since the pictures he posts are usually of him modeling for a shoot, pictures with other celebrities or his own pictures. His IG account would also be a good reference on how to pull off the clean-cut, dandy style for guys. One interesting thing about his pictures is that the selfies that he uploads all have the near-to-same grins, which makes him cuter than ever.
談到韓國著名的模特兒演員,Do Sang Woo亦是其中一個著名的男模特兒和演員,他亦在份參演韓劇《沒關係,這是愛情》。他的Instagram正正就是他生活的縮影,你可以在那裡找到他工作和日常生活的照片,而男生們亦可以在他的Insatgram中參考公子哥兒的造型。另一樣有趣的事情是,他的自拍照基乎都掛著同一樣的笑容,這樣令他變得更可愛。

Chef Choi Hyun Seok
One of the main chefs on the all-time-famous TV show Take care of my fridge, chef Choi’s Instagram clearly shows what his interests are. First would be the delicious food he’s very good at and loves. Second are the toys and gadgets and third, or maybe the top of his priority list, his own pictures that show his awesomeness such as his height (apparently 190cm) and his pride in his looks. Alike Stephanie Lee, chef Choi posts random videos of him filming for an advertisement, making food, working out and so on. Not only this, there are many pictures of him and the crew of the show he comes out, so if you’d like to taste a bit of his “heo-sae,” a Korean word that means the act of showing-off, follow now!
韓國人氣電視節目《拜託了冰箱》的主廚Choi Hyun Seok的Instagram絕對可以展示到他的興趣。首先就是那些他拿手又喜歡的美味食物,其次就是玩具和工具,第三亦是有最多照片的就是他的能展示他魅力之處的東西,例如身高(他看起來有190cm)和他引以為傲的外貌。跟Stephanie Lee一樣,大廚亦會Post有關他拍廣告、烹飪、外出工作等的短片。不僅如此,他亦會上載很多自己和節目工作人員的相片,所以若然你想試試他的「heo-sae」,即是韓文的炫耀,那你就去關注他吧!

Chef Sam Kim
Chef Sam is also another main chef of the show Take care of my fridge. When he first appeared on the show, his popularity soared up due to the fact that the popular Korean drama Pasta was written based on the true story of Chef Sam Kim. Chef Sam’s Instagram fumes out a happy ambience, since quite a lot of his pictures have his son in them. It makes one smile just by looking at the pictures of Chef Sam and his son enjoying their time together. But that’s not all. He also has pictures of his own salivating food and bakeries as well. If you need some happy energy, Chef Sam Kim’s IG is where you need to go!
Sam Kim是《拜託了冰箱》的另一位主廚,當他第一次出現在節目中,他的人氣就直線上升,原因是他正正是很受歡迎的韓劇《PASTA》故事中的真實主角,故事的情節都是以他的人生為籃本。大廚Sam的Instagram都有著歡樂的氣氛,很多照片有有他的兒子在一起,會令人會心微笑。當然,還有他那些令人垂涎三尺的美食和麵包。當你雖然快樂能量的時候,你就去看看他的Insatgram吧!

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