Love Yourself:你需要對事物有點天真,自學成才的珠寶設計師Yoon Ahn

love yourself hokk fabrica
從平面設計師,至與時裝老牌學府CSM等畢業生並列入圍LVMH Prize大獎,到被委任作Dior Homme首飾設計師,Yoon Ahn打破街頭服飾和奢華時尚界限,完全自學成才,而靠的就是「天真」!

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Yoon Ahn身為時裝界的翹楚,卻不是本班出身;但大學修平面設計與藝術史的她,第一次閱讀時裝雜誌時,她就下定決心要從事時尚相關的工作。沒有讀過首飾設計,無阻她的創意,她沒有首飾哲學,但以用家心態出發,設計出連Rihanna、Kayne West和G-Dragon也愛上的款式。

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而成功的背後,她一直以用家的角度出發,在自家首飾品牌Ambush拍攝產品照時,發現無法找到能與首飾配襯的服裝,於是就自己設計起時裝來,更入圍了2017年LVMH Prize青年設計師大獎八強,與各大時尚院校高材生看齊。

衣服也好,首飾也好,事業也好,Yoon Ahn一直很清楚自己要什麼;市面上找不到,亦不用降低要求,自行創造心中所想就好了。Yoon Ahn證明這個世界上,當你夠堅持,沒有什麼侷限與規則;沒有這方面的知識不是藉口,Dior Homme首飾設計師也不是本班出身呢。就如她所言,沒有傳奇是原地建立的。就是這份拼勁,這份從不妥協,讓Yoon Ahn成為了左右時裝界的一份子。

love yourself

1. I think the most modern thing you can do with designing is just taking something that’s existing and introducing it in a way that hasn’t been done.

2. I just use intuition – would I wear that? Would it feel okay? It’s pretty simple, nothing too complicated.

3. I never believed jewelry had gender. It just comes down to aesthetic of the individual and how they interpret what’s feminine and masculine to them.

4. Streetwear is a reflection of our time.

5. Youth is a spirit and a state of mind, you need to be a little naive to things.

6. Rules don’t apply when it comes to people’s individual sense of style, so everyone should honor themselves and what/how they want to look.

7. I believe love comes in different shapes (like the heads of the screws in my version) and lengths and that when it ends, it will leave permanent scars.


21 September 2018, 12:00 AM

HOKK fabrica
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