
多多益善: 在韓國,顧客就是公主,就是皇帝?

Have you ever wondered why you are gifted with samples when you buy one small thing at a Korean cosmetics store? Or when you go to a Korean restaurant and get dumbfounded on the small little refillable side dishes that come along with the main dish? No need to be surprised; you are experiencing ‘Korean service’ now.

你有否想過為何當你走進韓國化妝品店時會有人送你樣本?又或是在韓國餐廳會有人不停為你添小食? 倒不用驚訝,你正是在享受韓式服務。

韓國 購物 文化 服務 旅遊 korea travel tips customers are kings ,korean service, good service

In Korea, there is a saying that goes as ‘customers are kings.’ The customers are at the highest on the sales pyramid. Sellers try their best to satisfy their customers.



Once entering a Korean cosmetic store, you will encounter the staff members greeting you with big smiley faces and even find them ‘stalking’ you around to see if they can offer help. Even at your slightest hesitation, they will come up to you and ask ‘How can I help you?’ Etude House, a Korea based cosmetic store, once called every customer as a princess, well noted by their loud greeting ‘Welcome Princess!’

當你走進韓國化妝品店,一眾員工會以燦爛的笑容歡迎你,你又會發現他們會一直緊跟在你背後,看你是否需要什麼幫忙,當你有些許猶疑時馬上會問你「可以如何幫你? 」。一間名為Etude House的化妝品店更會稱每位顧客為「公主」,每當有人進來時便會大聲說「歡近公主! 」。

princess Cinderella dancing Disney gif 公主 迪士尼 灰姑娘 跳舞 動圖princess Cinderella dancing Disney gif 公主 迪士尼 灰姑娘 跳舞 動圖,korean service, good service

Photo via tumblr.com

However, you will be more shocked when you go up to the counter. Upon your deposit, the staff will give you endless cosmetic samples and will even give you more if you ask. Most of them will even try to look more polite by addressing honorific titles to even the products.



This does not end in cosmetics. A Korean supermarket opens up a new world of service food. All around the market you will find little food stands with cooks making food – with the most popular one being meat, sausages and spam – and you will be allowed to help yourselves. You can often see shoppers holding up their own toothpick and bringing it around to pick up food from different food stands. There is a joke that Koreans say: ‘I’m full from all the free food in the supermarket!’ A rule, though, is to pick only one sample from each stand. You could pick up more than one, only if you could face the cook’ s death stare.

不止化妝品店,就連韓國的超級市場也是一樣。市場內有不少小食攤,當中最受歡迎的肉類有香腸和午餐肉,還可以自己拿來吃,在這裡會經常見到些人拿著牙籤到不同的小食攤拿食物,有人笑言:「我在超級市場吃免費食物吃飽了! 」,不過還是有規矩的,每個攤檔只可拿一串,要是你夠厚臉皮不怕店主瞪著你,你還是可以拿第二串的。

park bom 2ne1 eating kpop 韓星 吃相 gif 動圖,korean service, good service

Photo via tumblr.com


One last mention, the KTV is a mecca for free service. Called 노래방 (noraebang) in Korean, singing at KTV is one of the popular ways Koreans spend their pastime. Good ones will give your room some free drinks and snacks upon your entry. When your assigned time is about to end, though, don’ t get disappointed, because almost every single noraebang in Korea gives you extra service time. You’ ll know when the monitor blinks with a flashy ‘SERVICE!’  Some noraebangs give infinite extra service, up to three times or more. Sometimes people in the noraebang get tired so they leave before the extra time ends.

最後要提一下KTV,因為這裡有不少讓人嚮往的免費服務! KTV在韓國稱為「Noraebang」,到KTV唱歌是韓國非常受歡迎的消遣活動,好人的話,他們會在進入時就給你一間房和一些免費飲品和小食,當你以為時間快到時,別失望,因為幾乎每一間的Noraebang都會給你額外的服務時間,從房間的電視螢幕上閃著「SERVICE!」字眼便可知道,一些Noraebang還會提供無限的額外服務達三次或以上,有時候,唱得疲倦的人可能在額外時間完結前已經離開了。

KTV, korean koraoke,korean service, good service
Does this surprise you? Let us know how the service culture in your country is. We appreciate your comments!這有讓你驚訝嗎? 快留言給我們說說你們當地的服務文化吧!