K-Beauty: 眼皮戰爭!單眼皮與雙眼皮的迷思 - HOKK fabrica

K-Beauty: 眼皮戰爭!單眼皮與雙眼皮的迷思

HF Crewon November 25, 2014 at 3:08 pm

Under Western influence, the Asian beauty standard switched from the traditional plump-faced, mono-eyelid woman to the flamboyant double-eyelid female. The double-eyelid woman has become the standard for beauty for long, but the Korean society has opened up to single-eyelid women, with more and more mono-lid celebrities becoming beauty icons. Hf provides an insight into the eyelid war by looking at Korean celebrities.

在西方文化的影響下,亞洲女性對美的標準亦開始改變起來,由「包包」臉、單眼皮,到現在浮誇的雙眼皮。雙眼皮其實早已流行一段日子,不過韓國人還是對單眼皮情有獨鍾,不少單眼皮明星亦成為美麗偶像。就讓 Hf 為你分析在韓國明星的眼皮戰爭。

Korea’s traditional beauty standard used to be a woman with split eyes, low and small nose, and a wide face as seen in Chosun Dynasty’s artist Shin Yoonbook (申潤福) ’s painting “Miindo (美人圖).” These factors all contradict the current beauty standard, but as Korea became influenced by western cultures and values, the standard of beauty changes to a woman with big eyes, high nose, and small face. Even in the 70s, the beauty icon was actress Jeong Yunhui, who can be easily categorized as having the western beauty look.


korean old actress

The easiest way to get closer to the beauty standard was, and currently is, having double eyelids that makes one’s eyes look bigger. This has been practiced for long with double eyelid surgeries as the most popular surgery done in Korea, often noted as just a surgical procedure, not a full surgery, pointing out how often it is done. The most well-known celebrities with beautiful eyes with double eyelids are actress Lee Minjung, Yoona of Girls’ Generation, and Go ara. These celebrities appeared in contact lens commercials with their beautiful eyes.


yoona snsd
Photo via Alcon FreshLook Illuminate
Photo via Acuvue
Photo via Highcut

However, Korea has opened up more to single eyelid women and called certain female celebrities with single eyelids as beauty icons, represented by Gain, Sohee and CL. This social phenomenon made Koreans think that women with single eyelids can cover it up with good makeup and use their signature eyelids as outstanding features of their face. The most common adjectives to describe these women with single eyelids became “attractive,” “sexy,” and “cute.” More and more beauty bloggers began tutorials on women with single eyelids. Korean women with single eyelids are not under the pressure of altering their look with double eyelids. They think of it as their strong point and many men find single eyelid women attractive too.

不過,終究韓國人還是認為單眼皮女性更具吸引力,如女團Brown Eyed Girl的Gain、前Wonder Girl成員昭熙和2NE1成員CL。他們認為單眼皮女性更能有美麗的妝容,而單眼皮就是她們臉上最突出的標記,常被形容為「具吸引力」、「性感」和「可愛」。現在越來越多博客教授單眼皮女性如何化妝,單眼皮女性不用再承受擁有雙眼皮的壓力,因為她們有更強的理由為自己自豪,而且越來越多男性認為她們有吸引力。

Brown Eyed Girl的Gain
Brown Eyed Girl的Gain
Photo via NYLON magazine
Wonder Girl, 昭熙
前Wonder Girl成員昭熙
Photo via MAC
Photo via YG Entertainment

So what would you choose? Single eyelids or double eyelids? Who would you choose as the most beautiful among the double-eyelid and single-eyelid female celebrities above?


TEXT: Jisu J

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