
Lessons of Failure:作家J. K. Rowling追夢時吃過的苦頭

與J. K. Rowling這個名字扯上關係的,大概是「成功」二字。昔日一場由英國曼徹斯特到倫敦國王十字的火車延誤,造就了今天《哈利波特》小說系列、電影、無數商品和魔法世界主題樂園。然而,若果你要問J. K Rowling的成功之道,她不會教你怎樣計劃事業,亦不會教你怎樣拓展人際網絡。相反,她會叫你向「失敗」多多學習。


熟悉J. K. Rowling的讀者便會知道,她追夢成為作家的過程並不簡單,難阻從入讀大學選科時就已經發生。J. K. Rowling從小熱愛英國文學,尤其喜愛西洋古典學,但父母卻希望她修讀較為實際的職業文憑。相信經過多番討論和爭拗後,J. K. Rowling向父母作出妥協,選了修讀現代語言。不過像J. K. Rowling那樣倔強的女性又怎會輕易放棄她想要的東西?上學第一天她就拋開德文,瞞著父母修讀西洋古典學。

Failure gave me an inner security that I had never attained by passing examinations. Failure taught me things about myself that I could have learned no other way. I discovered that I had a strong will, and more discipline than I had suspected; I also found out that I had friends whose value was truly above the price of rubies.

哈利波特J K rowling作家harry potter

Photo via blog.paperblanks.com


別以為J. K. Rowling瀟灑地追隨自己想要讀的科目後就能夢想成真,追夢是要付代價的。 父母常說她的想像力不能「供樓」,亦不能「養老」。當J. K. Rowling踏進社會工作,就感受到生活壓力與夢想的拉扯。既然選擇了「不賺錢」的科目,過著的也是拮据的生活。畢業後的七年,J. K. Rowling一邊創作《哈利波特》,一邊經歷她人生最黑暗的時期──婚姻的失敗、失業、成為單親媽媽、母親去世等等,J. K. Rowling當時過著的是別人、父母,甚至是她自己都認為是「epic failure」的生活。

[L]ife is not a check-list of acquisition or achievement. Your qualifications, your CV, are not your life, though you will meet many people of my age and older who confuse the two. Life is difficult, and complicated, and beyond anyone’s total control, and the humility to know that will enable you to survive its vicissitudes.

哈利波特J K rowling作家harry potter

Photo via topics.time.com


J. K. Rowling出版了《哈利波特》之後的事,相信大家都知道。不過也許你不曾知道的是J. K. Rowling成名後的失敗。寫完《哈利波特》之後,J. K. Rowling開始探索犯罪小說的領域。為了不讓名氣影響讀者對新書的反應,她以筆名Robert Galbraith出版犯罪小說處女作《The Cuckoo’s Calling 布穀鳥的呼喚》。蒙在鼓裡的出版社Orion拒絕了Robert Galbraith的作品,最後Robert Galbraith的新作由Little Brown出版。原來世界公認的暢銷作家也會碰釘,相信被拒絕的經驗告訴J. K. Rowling,她必須繼續在她的創作下苦功。

失敗,對於這位成功的作家不陌生。J. K. Rowling的例子再次告訴我們,成功的人並不會留戀在成功的回憶之中,謙卑的他們會不斷在失敗的經驗中反思與反省,讓自己成為一個面對挑戰和逆境時更加堅韌的人。

The knowledge that you have emerged wiser and stronger from setbacks means that you are, ever after, secure in your ability to survive. You will never truly know yourself, or the strength of your relationships, until both have been tested by adversity. Such knowledge is a true gift, for all that it is painfully won, and it has been worth more than any qualification I ever earned.

哈利波特J K rowling作家harry potter

Photo via telegraph.co.uk

Original cover image via the-arcade.ie