
Exclusive: 专访国际时尚博主Nicole Warne of 「Gary Pepper Girl」

我与Nicole Warne,有过一面之缘。

对於这个名字,一般人大概不会想到它的主人有着东方的面孔,血统虽是半日本半韩国,但所受的教养和栽培却来自澳洲领养家庭。镜头下的她散发着时尚优雅的气质;镜头後,这种气质挥之不去,多了的是照片中反映不到的谦和。以模特儿丶造型师丶形象大使丶顾问丶创意总监等不同身份与国际潮流品牌合作的Nicole,正是冒起得最快的个人博客「 Gary Pepper Girl 」背後的灵魂。

那天,在 DFS 的「First Class Beauty」美容体验发布会上,Nicole Warne以一袭简洁白色 Josh Goot装束和Charlotte Olympia 高跟鞋示人,跟我们分享她的旅游美容时尚心得。

gary pepper girl first class dfs beauty

Photo by Florielle/ HOKK fabrica

N:Nicole Warne ︱ Hf:HOKK fabrica


On First Experiences 

Hf: What was your first makeup product?

N: My first make-up product was a mango lip balm by The Body Shop. It was a product my mum always (and still) uses, so I bought one for myself to remind me of her when I was at school.
中:The Body Shop芒果味润唇膏。那是我妈妈经常而且仍然使用的产品,读书的时候我会买一瓶给自己,因为那润唇膏会让我想起她。

Hf: Which ONE product have you stuck by throughout the years?

N: My first red lipstick was by Lancôme and I still use it today. They discontinued the original version but the new one is even better. Red lipstick in general is my beauty essential.

gary pepper girl fashion blogger

The Gary Pepper perspective: Nicole Warne for Lancome

Hf: How would you describe your journey from beauty blogger to international style icon?

N: I still find it confusing to be honest, but it’s incredibly flattering and humbling. I make a conscious effort to wear pieces that are affordable and relatable for my community, so I like mixing high and low pieces that everyone can interpret into their own unique style.

On Travelling

Hf: What are the three essential beauty items you must bring along with you?

N: Sunscreen, moisturizer and moisturizer masks - they’re like a travel-friendly mini facial! For me, it’s all about skincare and preserving your glowing skin.

On New York Fashion Week

Hf: What are you wearing for New York Fashion Week? You must have a lot to bring with you!

N: This season I’m supporting some of my favourite Australian designers, so my suitcase is packed with pieces from Dion Lee , Josh Goot, Karla Spetic and Maticevski . I mix them with international brands I love like Charlotte Olympia, Aquazarra and Mulberry. My outfits are quite simple - New York Fashion Week is more urban whereas Paris Fashion Week is more romantic. I tend to dress to each city as my mood changes from each.
中:今季我会支持我喜欢的澳洲设计师,我的行李箱都充满来自Dion Lee丶Josh Goot丶Karla Spetic和Maticevski的单品。我会将这些本土设计与我喜欢的国际品牌融合,如Charlotte Olympia丶Aquazarra和Mulberry。我的造型都很简单──纽约时装周会倾向都市风,而巴黎时装周则会穿得较浪漫。在不同的城市,我会根据自己心情的改变而穿衣。

Nicole Warne in Dion Lee skirt

Nicole Warne in Dion Lee skirt

Josh Goot dress & Charlotte Olympia heels gary pepper girl fashion blogger 时尚博主

Josh Goot dress & Charlotte Olympia heels

Hf: What are you expecting this coming Spring?

N: I’m expecting to see more inspiration from 60’s and 70’s with a mix of femininity or focus on interesting silhouettes. I feel the masculine and sports luxe trends are passing and this spring we’ll see a return to classic and ladylike dressing with a modern edge.

Karla Spetic dress & cardigan, Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Australia gary pepper girl fashion blogger

Karla Spetic dress & cardigan, Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Australia

Hf: Any trends that you are dying to try out?

N: I try not to follow trends as I like to be more timeless. If anything, I’d love to take inspiration from the 60’s trend seen on the runway at Louis Vuitton and Valentino last season, like little mod dresses, collars, round sunglasses and knee high boots. I draw a lot of my inspiration from past eras and how the women wore the clothes and carried themselves.
中:我尝试不跟从潮流,我比较喜欢历久弥新。如有的话,我会以去季Louis Vuitton与Valentino时装展中六十年代的风潮作为我的灵感──摩登短裙丶衣领丶圆墨镜和及膝长靴。我常常参照过去的时代,观察以前的女性是如何穿衣和表达自己。

Rosie Assoulin Spring 2015 RTW via style.com

Rosie Assoulin Spring 2015 RTW via style.com

Thakoon Spring 2015 RTW via Vogue

Thakoon Spring 2015 RTW via Vogue

Hf: Any designers that we should look out for this Spring?

N: Up-and-coming designers Rosie Assoulin and Thakoon were stand outs last season in New York, but we have amazing talent in Australia too like up-and-coming designers Michael Lo Sordo who is constantly winning awards and evolving as a brand quite quickly.
中:新晋设计师Rosie Assoulin和Thakoon於去年纽约时装周中崭露头角,不过我们澳洲的设计师亦表现出众, Michael Lo Sordo屡获奖项,迅速冒起成为指日可待的品牌。

Nicole Warne in Michael Lo Sordo skirt & silk bra
Nicole Warne in Michael Lo Sordo skirt & silk bra

Nicole Warne in Michael Lo Sordo skirt & silk bra

On Future

Hf: What do you see yourself and Gary Pepper in five years?
中:五年後的你,和五年後的Gary Pepper,又会是怎样?

N: I can see many things for the future and hope that I’m based overseas (New York or Paris) with my team and continuing to grow my brand on a global scale. I don’t plan on moving away from blogging entirely, but I know the next 5 years will see Gary Pepper expand beyond the digital world.
中:我对未来充满异象,我希望自己和我的团队可以以海外(纽约或巴黎)为根据点,并且继续拓展Gary Pepper成为国际品牌。我不打算完全离开博客,但我知道在未来五年Gary Pepper将会超越电子世界。

Nicole Warne in Maticevski Sweater

Nicole Warne in Maticevski Sweater

Nicole Warne in Maticevski Sweater

Nicole Warne in Maticevski Sweater

Quick Questions 

Hf: New York or London?

N: New York.

Hf: Instagram or Facebook?
N: Instagram还是脸书?

N: Instagram.
中: Instagram。

Hf: City or countryside?

N: Countryside.

Hf: Parties or quiet time?

N: Quiet time.

Hf: Little black dress or big patterns?

N: Big patterns!

Hf: Heels or flats?

N: Heels.


Photo courtesy of Gary Pepper

Follow Nicole on  www.garypeppergirl.com



