筆者身邊經常遇見很多希望閱讀,但又找不到時間閱讀的女生。其實在忙碌的生活行程中重拾閱讀習慣,並沒有想像中那麼困難。九十後居美日本畫家Lisa Kogawa同樣是一位忙碌女生,在讀書、畫畫、社交以外,Lisa總會預留時間閱讀,而她所選擇的讀物就是漫畫了。
I chose comics rather than novels because it’s easier to read and is not time consuming for readers. Comics are best in terms of small size, so it’s easier for storage, and the weight is light.
—Lisa Kogawa
Lisa’s Recommendations

# 1 《塗鴉日記》(Kakukaku Shikajika )
東村明子(Higashimura Akiko) 著 | 集英社(Shueisha)出版
An autobiographical story about how the author became where she is now as a comic artist. This comic talks about the struggles faced by young artists. For example, the pressure from your parents when you told them that you’re going be an artist. I recommend this comic whenever you want to motivate yourself.
# 2 《蟲之歌》(Mushi to Uta)
市川春子(Haruko Ichikawa) 著|講談社(Kodansha)出版
Short stories about daily life with mysterious characters. Definitely a book that you will read at least 2-3 times. The simple line drawings make it a little confusing to identify each character, but once you get it, you’re like ‘wow’. The atmosphere throughout the comic is like you’re underwater – quiet and calm. I recommend this comic when you want to take a break to refresh your minds.
# 3 《同級生》(Doukyusei)
中村明日美子(Asumiko Nakamura) 著|Akanensha 出版
A romantic story between two high school boys during their school year. It is very satisfying just to look at the style of drawing. The story reminds me of the feeling of sweet and sour love in the teenage years. I recommend this comic when you want to see things differently.
其他值得一看的漫畫家:菊池翔太(Shouta Kikuchi)、五十嵐大介(Daisuke Igarashi)──「我喜歡一些風格鮮明,能夠展現漫畫家的熱情的作品。」
Lisa’s Favourite Quote
You don’t have to think about anything else. Just draw.
—from Kakukaku Shikajika by Higashimura Akiko
22歲的 Lisa Kogawa是一位土生土長的日本女生,現於著名的洛杉磯藝術中心設計學院(Art Center College of Design)讀插畫,閒時最愛閱讀、逛書店和買書,對買書有種莫名的執著,拒絕網購,堅持摸過書本才肯買,高峰時期試過買80磅書回家。自稱「Nerdy Book Collector」的Lisa 喜愛收藏各類書籍──漫畫、雜誌、Zine、硬皮書等,還會到二手書店買參考書和設計書籍找靈感。
Sometimes I ask myself why I’m so fascinated with books. That mainly comes from the fact that I love paper textures. Anything cool printed or written on my beloved paper makes books awesome!

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Photo courtesy of Lisa Kogawa
5 June 2016, 3:46 PM
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