
Love Yourself:別害怕捨棄一切!7句來自法國演員Marion Cotillard的智慧話語

法國女人總是散發著一種知性的感覺,法國演員Marion Cotillard就是其中一個例子。生於演藝世家的她從小接觸演戲,2007年在電影《粉紅色的一生》中演繹法國已故歌星Edith Piaf一角成名,橫掃金球、奧斯卡、凱撒等多個電影獎項。懂鍵盤、結他和低音結他的她拍戲以外會與法國唱作人Yodelice一起玩音樂,又積極關注環境保護議題,呼籲公眾保護地球這個家園。以下是幾句來自Marion Cotillard的智慧,一起看看她對於演戲、自己、人生和環保、女權等社會議題有甚麼看法吧!

On Acting

Marion Cotillard法國演員quote qotd hokk fabrica

Collage by Natalie K/HOKK fabrica

I don’t think you learn how to act. You learn how to use your emotions and feelings.


On Beauty

Marion Cotillard法國演員quote qotd hokk fabrica

Collage by Natalie K/HOKK fabrica

Beauty is something that really comes out of you and surrounds you.


On Life

Marion Cotillard法國演員quote qotd hokk fabrica

Collage by Natalie K/HOKK fabrica

If you search and search and stop searching, then ultimately you’ll find what you need. It is the experience of living.


On the Environment

Marion Cotillard法國演員quote qotd hokk fabrica

Collage by Natalie K/HOKK fabrica

Respect the place you live, be aware of the impact that you have on things.


On Feminism

Marion Cotillard法國演員quote qotd hokk fabrica

Collage by Natalie K/HOKK fabrica

I don’t qualify myself as a feminist. We need to fight for women’s rights but I don’t want to separate women from men. We’re separated already because we’re not made the same and it’s the difference that creates this energy in creation and love. Sometimes in the word feminism there’s too much separation.


On Self-enrichment

Marion Cotillard法國演員quote qotd hokk fabrica

Collage by Natalie K/HOKK fabrica

You have to find the place where you abandon everything of yourself. Then you can let something else happen.


On Possibilities & Limitations

Marion Cotillard法國演員quote qotd hokk fabrica

Collage by Natalie K/HOKK fabrica

I think that when you don’t see the boundaries, you cross them without even knowing they exist in the first place.



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