
氣質女神的智慧:女生都該學懂Emma Watson這7句話語

不知道你有沒有試過,重複又重複被某些事情所困?很多時候,女生清楚知道自己不應該有某些負面情緒或想法,但無奈一次又一次被同樣的東西觸碰弱點,內心一次又一次經歷自責、謾罵和自我憎恨。其實有些道理我們是知道的,但知易行難,很快又掉進死胡同。以下是7句來自氣質女神Emma Watson的智慧,提醒女生們一些她們經常忘記的道理。


#1 出錯又如何?別讓恐懼阻礙你想要做的事情!

I’ve probably earned the right to screw up a few times. I don’t want the fear or failure to stop me from doing what I really care about.

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#2 了解自己想做甚麼是需要時間的,就慢慢探索吧!

I’m going to do what I want to do. I’m going to be who I really am. I’m going to figure out what that is.

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#3 你永遠都無辦法取悅所有人,跟隨自己心所想去做吧。

All I can do is follow my instincts because I’ll never please everyone.

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#4 最大的挑戰往往來自自己,別讓那妄自菲薄的聲音令自己洩氣!

We [women] really damage our own confidence when we put ourselves down, so I try not to.

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#5 接納自己,從來都不是一個簡單的過程。

Becoming yourself is really hard and confusing and it’s a process. It’s often not cool to be the person who puts themselves out there.

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#6 誰說女人只能選一樣?女人可以同時美麗和強悍!

I feel like young girls are told that they have to be a princess and fragile. It’s bullshit. I identify much more with being a warrior – a fighter. If I were going to be a princess, I’d be a warrior princess. Definitely.

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#7 人生總有高低起跌,擁抱每一刻,讓自己真正的「活」,才叫美麗。

Beauty is letting yourself live.


Beauty is not long hair, skinny legs, tanned skin or perfect teeth. Believe me. Beauty is the face of who cried and now smiles, beauty is the scar on your knee since you fell when you were a kid, beauty is the circles when love doesn’t let you sleep, beauty is the expression on the face when the alarm rings in the morning, it’s the melted makeup when you have a shower, it’s the laughter when you make a joke you’re the only one who can understand, beauty is meeting his gaze and stopping understanding, beauty is your gaze when you see him, it’s when you cry for all you paranoias, beauty is the lines marked by time. Beauty is what we feel in the inside which also shows outside us. Beauty is the marks the life leaves on us, all the kicks and the caresses the memories leave us. Beauty is letting yourself live.

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